Community ExecutiveMemberNoobApr-15-2013 1:55 PMAt first I was excited with the idea, then lost my interest on it, I wanna know if it worth it, because this one it will my next movie on the list.
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberNoobApr-21-2013 9:24 PMany one else yet ??????????????????????????????????????????? or wait untill cheap night

Member2KApr-22-2013 12:36 PMI haven't gotten around to seeing Oblivion yet.
Had it starred Hugh Jackman rather than Cruise, well I'd probably be on my umpteenth viewing! LOL

Admin2KApr-22-2013 8:55 PM[i]Had it starred Hugh Jackman rather than Cruise, well I'd probably be on my umpteenth viewing! LOL-Lone[/i]
I really wanted to see this movie, but I sorta was turned off because it's starring Tom Cruise. Something about him just puts me off.

MemberNoobApr-23-2013 10:57 AM[center][/center]As far as Tom is concerned, he is withstandable in the film. He is no more unbearable than in "War of the Worlds", or "Minority Report" (to tolerance gauge it). Maybe best go to the IMAX, on cheap ticket night, if one decides to see it. And don't watch any extended trailers, or it will spoil far too much. It's a beautifully shot film, certainly one to experience theatrically. This is really Joseph's film (& crew), rather than Tom's. I think it's still a fun party; regardless, whether or not one likes the guest of honor. Just hang with Joe in the corner; he'll even start to look really cute after a few, LOL.
And I agree, Hugh Jackman would've been perfect for this one, maybe even Collin Ferrell, too. Anyway, I just realized that the TET space-station, wasn't called the TENT, LOL ...like duh.

MemberNoobApr-24-2013 8:08 AMI agree, someone else other than tom cruise would of been good. Toms too generic, but bearable. Still, i did enjoy oblivion....descent sci-fi.
This may sound confusing...but was the tom at the end 49 or 52? and what one died 49 or 52?
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberNoobApr-24-2013 4:28 PM[i] [b]Still, i did enjoy oblivion....descent sci-fi.[/b][/i]
Alright Then Mr Pulser ,l`ll take your word on this one
,,away i go

MemberNoobApr-25-2013 7:31 AMTom Cruise somehow fails to be that diverse actor I would expect someone with his paycheck to be...for some reason most of his expressions can be somewhat predicted (often the case with Denzel Washington too), so yeah, I went in without expecting too much, and that is exactly what I received..the movie plot is alright, the camera work is great, and overall it an okay movie...

MemberNoobApr-25-2013 3:38 PM[center][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-uq71vE8kDU8/Tm22PGbGHjI/AAAAAAAAJjs/wuSR3kNSZ9Q/s1600/Scan%2B112540000.jpg[/img]
Richard McKenna's pre-production art from "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968)
The first design for the "2001" monolith was a (black) tetrahedron, but Kubrick thought that would make people think of pyramids (also none of the models were impressive enough). Next they tried a transparent cube, but it was too hard to keep it from reflecting the camera crew's lights. They tried a Lucite-slab, but that didn't look convincing. Finally, they settled on the black-slab shown in the film.
And of course, when one is finally directly confronted with the alien-nemesis of the film ...I wonder what that sorta looks like? [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HAL_9000#SAL_9000]HAL/SAL(LLY)[/url], LOL. Also yes, I agree the TET was interesting, & pretty ominous (no surprise it came from the Saturn system).
52 - 49 = 3 ...Jack, Julia, & daughter. Who is deducted from this equation?
I will temporarily redirect you for my more [url=http://www.scified.com/news/738]explicit opinion[/url], & so to not take it out of the context of what I was replying to.
Thanks pulserifle187. ^_^

MemberNoobApr-26-2013 4:39 AMThanks sawa. Thanks for your reply and the info.
Just giving TET abit more thought. The idea of cloning thousand of "TOMS' as military personnel for the invasion of earth. Then using the clones to man and maintain drones, also convincing the clones that the surviving humans are personnel left behind of the invading aliens.........how cunning is that.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

Hades Infernal
MemberNoobJul-01-2013 7:24 AMTom Cruise is a S**t Dripping D**k Nipple ever since his little pi**y fit on solid balls of steel I cant stand him and cant bring my self to watch this film its a shame because it looks really good .
Beware the bearers of false gifts & their broken promises Much pain but still time There is good out there We oppose deception Conduit closing

MemberNoobJul-23-2013 6:59 AMMy opinion of OBLIVION is simply this:
The movie LOOKED like it was going to be awesome when I saw the trailer. I was really looking forward to it... When I finally did see it in the theater, i was EXTREMELY disappointed. The plot started out as intriguing because it was mysterious and implied that there was something more going on than what was being told... But when you finally do find out WHAT the plot is, the movie instantly sucked in my mind. It also was kinda slow...
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Thelonius X
MemberNoobAug-14-2013 10:59 PMFunny, i grew up with Tom Cruise films and can say that i haven't seen one of his films that i didn't get something out or for the most part enjoy... Don't care about his religion or personal life.
I picked up Oblivion on Blu Ray and was blown away by the Design concepts, how they projected the backdrops of tower set while filming was genius. The whole daylight aspect of the film was kinda fresh for sci-fi. The characters were built up enough to follow and overall good movie... Definitely watching it again in the future along with Minority Report and War of the Worlds.