AdminAtmanJan-04-2016 3:56 PMThe only thing more epic than Godzilla vs. King Kong would likely be the hypothetical mash-up of Legendary's two Kaiju properties - Pacific Rim and Godzilla. You see it mentioned in every message board and social media discussion about the two film franchises. There is no doubt the cross-over would be a massive hit. However, as explained years ago when Pacific Rim came out, Guillermo, Travis and the creators of Pacific Rim wished to keep the property its own entity.
Granted, we can appreciate that, but what if Legendary decided to test the waters with this cross-over. My question to you is - how could this mash-up play out? How could the plot be devised while not discounting the previous films before it?
Let me know what you think below!

MemberNoobJan-04-2016 7:47 PMAs crazy as it can be, the two movie franchises already have the possibility to fit in the same universe if they wanted to. A lot of the given timeline of Pacific Rim could fill in spaces for Godzilla 2014, especially when Godzilla 2014 doesn't give specified dates on the MUTO attacks. In fact I even had the thought of a theoretical reason for the Jaeger Program wasn't originally thought up for the Alien Kaiju but rather to fend off Godzilla if he was hostile. Clearly the problem of having that happen would be lack of resources as well as funding, but that doesn't mean that scientist could of not researched more on the Jaeger project before being green lit by the whole world. It would explain why the Jaegers were designed at such a short time, because most of the research would already be done. The only thing debunking my theory would be the Golden Gate Bridge being rebuilt so quickly just to be destroyed again. Unless Tresspasser left it in a condition where it could be rebuilt in under a year, the theory is sunked. Assuming that it was in a decent condition then the plot would be rather simple. Invasion of the Alien Kaiju rises once more, reconstruction of Jaegers are deployed and at some point the fighting awakes Godzilla where it will see both Kaiju and Jaegers as a threat. In time Godzilla will realize the Jaegers are trying to defend themselves and for a short time would team up to face the more dangerous Kaiju. Anything deeper than that is almost fair game but that would be the most accurate outcome of what would happen.

MemberNoobApr-20-2016 6:07 PMI am guessing the kaiju attacks were due to Godzilla in deep hybernation in the ocean recovering from severe damage in a big battle, against multiple kaijus perhaps. Then while he is resting, the breach occured and instead of expecting Godzilla to the rescue, mankind was left on their own. So they decided to create jaegers.
Now, instead of a defender, tha Pan Pacific Corp decided to label Godzilla as another kaiju to exterminate.

I Meme Everything
Member2KApr-20-2016 6:15 PMSpi3000, your theory is awesome
"Part of the journey is the end..."

MemberConversationalistNov-15-2016 9:51 AMI actually started writing a fan-fic on this a couple of years back, but it never materialised. My idea was that the Aliens wanted to travel back in time to stop mankind from creating the Jaegers or to kill the main pilots (Raleigh, Mako etc.), but due to a fault in their system, they instead opened up a wormhole, transfering Godzilla and a couple of human characters into the Pacific Rim universe in 2020-something.
At the time, I felt it was appropriate for a fan-fic, but to see it on the big screen might be a bit ludicrous.