Something Real
MemberLegendJun-26-2015 12:33 AM
MemberNoobJul-07-2015 3:28 AM

No, I don't possess a copy of this magazine, Something Real. I would rescan the second-page with text if I did, and as much is difficult to make-out. Although, the first-page of text is likely more interesting to fans. I don't recall London's Piccadilly Circus being cited before in reference to the inspiration for LA 2019. And one may notice this particular magazine is a British publication. One production-still used in this issue caught my eye (shown above), with a neon-sign spelling 'CANADA'. A fair bit more noticeable now, and considering the more recent announcements concerning the sequel. However, in the film it is reduced to 'NADA', and of which probably doesn't mean much (barely visible). Plus of course, 'nada' is a word in many languages. And since the EEG production crew worked in California (also other street signage); possibly the Spanish meaning (if there is to be any) is the most applicable choice.

MemberNoobOct-25-2017 5:32 AMHey Sawa, people, I have this poster! I bought the magazine when it came out, and had the poster on my wall during my teenage years. Then I folded it back up and put it in a cupboard until 3 years ago I found it again and put it in a frame. Would anyone be interested in it?