(Semi-OT): Max Borenstein, G2014 and 'Godzilla 2' writer, to write 'Minority Report' TV series coming to Fox!
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MemberNoobMay-25-2015 10:00 AMNot sure if this is the right forum for this (the General/OT discussions are for the 'Godzilla 2014 Movie' forum IIRC), and it's nothing directly related to Godzilla 2, but I was surfing around on IMDb and I've noticed Max Borenstein is listed as the writer for the new live-action Minority Report sitcom coming to Fox later this year.
Not sure how many-if any-of you guys watch TV on here, but I used to tune into Fox every Monday night for The Following (damn you Fox for cancelling my favorite show!), so I'll definitely be checking this out. And those of you who do should definitely keep a close eye on this series when it airs this fall. It'll serve as a mini-preview of sorts for Godzilla 2 and tell us if Legendary really have done themselves in by bringing him back as the writer for this.
Lets hope and pray this show is good, otherwise, Godzilla 2 may be in trouble.

G. H. (Gman)
AdminLegendMay-25-2015 12:30 PMMoved to Sci-Fi Television.
Personally I don't think it looks that great... Some interesting ideas, but I think i'd rather have a stand alone TV shows about cops using the pre-cogs, instead of a direct sequel to the movie. (ala M*A*S*H)
Knowing Fox it'll be cancelled pretty easily.