MemberNoobMar-06-2015 7:07 AMComing as exciting news for I am Number 4 fans, a 7th book is to be written by Pittacus lore! It will only be a matter of time before the book series draws to a close, which leaves the big question as to when shall we see more movie adaptations. Whilst plans a more feature films have been shelved, producers and fans have not stopped speculation. It seems asd though their as a big fan following, not only for the book series, but also for the feature films. I am number was released in 2011 to mixed to negative reviews, yet earned the best part of three times its budget, just sneaking into sequel material. But the question is will this be enough to guarantee future films, director David. J. Caruso seems to think so all though he is currently ensure of his future place within the film franchise.
Yet there is still hope, author Pittacus Lore, or James Fray as he is often referred hoped for new films to be made when interviewed in January 2015, with no doubt that he will be willing to sign his books for the big screen. Actress Teresa Palmer had previously expressed her interest to return as Number 6 if sequels were to be made.
Inspite of the films short-comings, film executives will no doubt be in support of producing the franchise so long as there is a massive fan following and will realise its potential, perhaps they will reconsider it a little more once the final book has been published and they will have a clearer direction of where to go with the film series.
In regards to future films, it couldn’t hurt to bring in another director who is more familiar with the books mythology. What the series now needs are the characters to be more in sync with one another, especially as more will be introduced with each movie, similarly to the goonies, it must also be careful not to follow a similar route to the Eragon film adaptation (don’t think I need to mention how that went down), the fight scenes should be more intensified and the story should perhaps introduce more of the backstory of Lorien and its backstory, with more emphasis on the elements that came to earth from Lorien, should as the Lorien Weapons, Amulets, the chests, the chimera etc, and finally add a hint of the da Vinci code in the sense that it had an ancient and somewhat historical tone that mixed in well with the books.