Rex Fan 684
MemberNoobOct-13-2014 1:29 PMHere's a list of the top 10 battles in Star Wars. In this case, battles means two armies fighting, not individuals(Sidious vs Yoda for example). So here they are...
10. The Battle of Teth
Time- Clone Wars
Republic vs CIS
Outcome- Republic Victory
9. Battle of Umbara
Time- Clone Wars
Republic vs Umbaran Militia/CIS
Outcome- Republic Victory
8. Battle of Naboo
Time- Pre Clone Wars
Naboo Security Force/Gungan Army vs Trade Federation
Outcome- Naboo Victory
7. Battle of Endor
Time- Galactic Civil War
Rebels/Ewoks vs Empire
Outcome- Rebel Victory
6. Battle of Kamino
Time- Clone Wars
Republic vs CIS
Outcome- Republic Victory
5. Battle of Yavin Four
Time- Galactic Civil War
Rebellion vs Empire
Outcome- Rebel Victory
4. Battle of Utapau
Time- Clone Wars
Republic vs CIS
Outcome- Republic Victory
3. Battle of Coruscant
Time- Clone Wars
Republic vs CIS
Outcome- Republic Victory
2. Battle of Hoth
Time- Galactic Civil War
Rebellion vs Empire
Outcome- Imperial Victory
1. Battle of Geonosis
Time- Clone Wars
Republic vs CIS
Outcome- Republic Victory

MemberNoobOct-14-2014 2:07 PMLove Star Wars, although I haven't seen it in like Three of Four years. My personal favorite one was the battle in Attack of the Clones i forgot which one it was or how to describe it. Agreeable list still.
When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Tell life I don't want you're damn lemons, and then squeeze them into life's eyes!

Rex Fan 684
MemberNoobOct-15-2014 6:42 PMThanks guys. I based this list on how classic the battle was and how epic it was. For example, the battle of Endor was classic, but the battle of Geonosis was classic and truly awesome in both scale and special effects.

MemberNoobNov-12-2014 1:38 PMI liked the battles on the planet Mon Calamari. My dream? A sea battle in future Star Wars films. Cool list btw.

Rex Fan 684
MemberNoobNov-12-2014 4:47 PMThanks Shambs

I Meme Everything
Member2KJan-02-2017 6:40 PMIf Rogue One had been released at the time you posted this, the battle of Scarif would've topped the list for sure
"Part of the journey is the end..."