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Community ExecutiveMemberNoobJun-25-2014 2:03 PMANNOUNCING THE KAIJU PROJECT!
by STAN WINSTON school of character arts
Hey Giant Monster Fans!
We're excited to announce that we've teamed up with Adobe for an amazing collaboration, THE KAIJU PROJECT, to be unveiled at the Adobe MAX conference Oct 4-8 in Los Angeles. The Kaiju Project will bring together two of the most respected creature fabricators in Hollywood,Bill Bryan and Ted Haines, to lead two teams of Stan Winston School students in constructing a pair of walk-around Kaiju suits.
These marauding mega-monsters will then:
BE PHOTOGRAPHED by students from Adobe Principal Designer Russell Brown's Photoshop Course who will then design and print FULL-SIZE MOVIE POSTERS featuring the Kaiju to be displayed at the Adobe MAX conference.
STAR in a short film homage to the classic "Man in a Rubber Suit" Kaiju movies.
APPEAR LIVE at the Adobe MAX Conference in October.?
more info:
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you
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