Rex Fan 684
MemberNoobMay-03-2014 11:32 AMSo which clones had the most heart wrenching deaths of them all? Here's the top ten(warning contains spoilers)...
10. Commander Thorn
Thorn was a commander of Shock Troopers that had travelled to Scipio to act as an escort for Senator Amidalla. When CIS forces arrived, he and his troops fought to the last man to hold them back. Thorn was the last man standing and took a number of shots before finally meeting his end.
Notable Line- "For the Republic!"- Thorn's Final Words
9. Commander Fil
Fil was a clone commander under Jedi Nahdar Vebb. He and a squad of clones had joined the Jedi, along with General Kit Fisto, to try and capture Viceroy Gunray. Instead, they found General Grevious. Every clone except for Fil was killed. Then Grevious released his "pet" Gor. This was when Fil finally met his end after being brutally beaten by Gor.
Notable Line- "You were right about that sir."- Fil after the arrival of Gor and Fisto's statement that there may be worse things than Grevious.
8. Commander Colt
Colt's final moments were spent defending his home planet of Kamino. He was at one point the last line of defense against CIS forces. He prepared to make a stand, but was strangled and then impaled by Ventress. A very brutal way of going.
Notable Line- "I want you troopers to remember, we are shoulder to shoulder on those front lines, brothers, and sometimes we quarrel, but no matter what we are united. Rule one, we fight together,"- Colt while talking with clone cadets.
7. 99
99 was a defective clone. However, that did not stop him from defending his home when it was attacked. He helped Fives, Echo, Cody, and Rex defend the barracks by providing weapons. When he attempted to get more grenades for them, he was cut down by droid forces. He may have been defective, but he was a soldier at heart.
Notable Line- "This is what I was bred for."- 99 when trying to get more weapons.
6. Commander Ponds
Ponds had been captured by Boba Fett, Aurra Sing, and Bossk after Fett had sabotaged the cruiser Ponds was on. He, the admiral, and clone naval officer were taken hostage. Ponds was used as an example of what would happen if Mace Windu would not show up and was shot by Sing.
Notable Line- "CT-411."- Ponds after refusing to give his name to the bounty hunters
5. Hevy
Hevy had been tasked with destroying a clone outpost to alert the Republic of a CIS invasion of Kamino. After the remote stopped working, he moved in to detonate the explosives manually. He was nearly killed by droids when he did so, but succeeded in destroying both the base and himself.
Notable Line- "I don't."- Hevy after a droid asked if they took prisoners
4. Hardcase
Hardcase, Fives, and Jesse had tasked themselves with destroying a CIS supply ship. They got in the main hanger and after their ships had been nearly disabled by droids, Hardcase jumped out and took a missile from his ship. He ordered Fives and Jesse to retreat and ran off with the missle. Hardcase then sent the missile into a reactor, blowing up the ship with him on it.
Notable Line- "Live to fight another day."- Hardcase's last words
3. Waxer
Waxer was leading a platoon of clones in the moments leading up to his death. After Pong Krell had secretly turned the clones against each other, Waxer was shot by his own brothers. In his last moments of life, he shed a tear, the first one seen shed by a clone.
Notable Line- "We thought they were wearing our armor. But it was, it was, you."- Waxer upon learning he was fighting other clones and his last words
2. Echo
Echo was helping in a mission to rescue a number of Republic officers when his death occurred. Their escape shuttle was surrounded by droids and turrets. In a last ditch effort to get to the shuttle, Echo made a run for the ship. It was destroyed by the turrets and he was caught in the blast.
Notable Line: "This is our only chance. Go for it!"- Echo's final words
1. Fives
Fives found himself caught in a huge conspiracy regarding Order 66. The Chancellor knew he knew too much and wanted him captured. When Fives saw clones coming to arrest him, he attempted to defend himself. Instead, he was shot down by his own brothers. Fives was the last surviving member of Domino Squad.
Notable Line- "This...it's...bigger than any of us...than anything...I could've imagined....All I ever meant to...I only wanted to do my duty....Brother....The mission...the nightmares...they're finally...over...."- His final words.