Admin2KMar-14-2013 4:32 PM
MemberNoobMar-14-2013 5:26 PMSuper-post! I never liked that voice-over either, & the more I saw the original version with it present ...the more I didn't like it. It almost gave the impression that scenes were missing (or shortened), at times to me. I was so pleased when the "Director's Cut" came about, & that "insulting voice-over" (the spoon-feed) was finally taken-off the film. My favorite version of the film is "The Final Cut".
I like that Deckard is a replicant, it makes his character so much more interesting. Prior to that change, he comes-off more like some semi-drunken dullard, or a cowardly man that resistantly does what he's told (however, he feels that he's a murderer) to keep from being "little people" (to maintain his standard of living). Hardly an admirable character; although, the voice-over attempts to sway the audience into sympathizing (or relate) with him. Also to rationalize, & justify Deckard's means to an end. And in driving-off into the sunset, with his stolen expiry-date free, perfect immortal love-doll (in like ...who wouldn't?).
As a replicant, he's a Government-sanctioned assassin; created by them to do their dangerous dirty-work, in cleaning the streets of wanted skin-jobs. Maybe even an experimental-model, like Rachel was. And with the forced "love" scene with Rachel; makes me question ...what other kind of dirty-work, might he've been designated to do? Or was he malfunctioning, & incapable of controlling the sexual-urges, he felt towards her? Was that scene playing-out a demonstration of Deckard's own lack of empathy (another-clue he's not quite right in the head)?
Funniest comment #14: Alan Ladd Jr: They have to put-back more **** in Zhora's dressing room.
Runner-up #21: Jerry Perenchio: Pris' tongue is sticking-out, in the wide-shot after Batty has kissed her.
Thanks Svanya.

MemberNoobMar-14-2013 5:27 PM
Admin2KMar-14-2013 7:08 PM
MemberNoobMar-14-2013 8:35 PM
MemberNoobMar-15-2013 11:08 AM
MemberNoobMar-24-2013 5:11 PM