Who would you choose to portray Rachel in the new Blade Runner movie?
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Admin2KMar-06-2013 11:53 PMMember Montesco had a great idea, he suggested I make a permathread to keep tabs on who thinks what actress/celebrity should/could play Rachel in the new Blade Runner movie (if indeed Rachel is in it).
So, who do you think is right for the part? Me, I chose Dita Von Teese, she is perfect for the role imo.
[Center]Dita Von Teese[/Center]
10 Replies
MemberNoobMar-07-2013 12:46 AMThanks for following the game, Svanya!, the truth is Dita is pretty as the classic actresses of the Star System era, has a style seems to Greta.
I let mines here, hope people like:
[center][img]http://s47.radikal.ru/i117/1303/6c/b191b15c930b.jpg[/img] [/center]
MemberNoobMar-07-2013 1:00 PM[b]Sawa's choice:[/b]
[center][b]20-something yr. old CGI Sean Young aka The Six-Million Dollar Woman[/center][/b]
I highly recommend that they use the same (or better) technology, that produced a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFP6Fl9lti8]younger Jeff Bridges[/url]; as done in "TRON Legacy" (2010). The best of both worlds: Sean gets work, & we get a character that works; with what has been already done. I've seen BR 200+ times or more ...Sean Young is irreversibly burnt into my mind, as that character.
A Patrick Nagel inspired rendition, by [url=http://collider.com/craig-drake-prints-posters-blade-runner-kill-bill/]Craig Drake[/url] (Dec-2012).
[url=http://miodesigns.blogspot.com/2012_05_01_archive.html]MIO designs[/url] (doll accessories)[/center]
We can rebuild her ...we have the technology. :O
Thanks Svanya + Montesco. ^_^
MemberNoobMar-08-2013 6:25 AMI still say Lady GaGa deserves a part in it...or the next Transformers movie...this says Empire State Building-atron :)
Veteran MemberMemberNoobApr-08-2013 11:50 AMI would use the original actors then overlay their silhouettes with the latest computer regeneration of their younger selves. The thing that gives away the computer generated images is the eyes...so I would keep the eyes in there
MemberNoobApr-30-2013 8:56 PMAny of these women would make good Nexus 6's.
Carrie Fisher :)
Gillian Anderson :)
and Linda Hamilton who I met at my hotel during breakfast :)
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