Some small Blade Runner 2 info

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MemberNoobMar-25-2014 8:26 PM
I came across this article recently and it mentions a very small information about blade runner 2 and I don't know if this is old news or whatever but i figured I post it anyways to see if this indeed is old news. [url=]Blade Runner 2: Michael Green[/url] here is the copy/paste from article in link above ==================================== [b]The second in a planned trilogy is finally gearing up for production…[/b] [b][/b] [b]TheWrap reports some exciting news Monday evening as 20th Century Fox has tapped veteran scribe Michael Green – who worked with Ridley Scott on a new Blade Runner – to rewrite Prometheus 2, originally penned by Jack Paglen (Transcendence).[/b] [b][/b] [b]Shooting is scheduled to begin this fall with a release of March 2016 in the cards. It currently doesn’t have an official title.[/b] [b][/b] [b]Prometheus served as an ‘unofficial’ prequel to Scott’s seminal 1979 sci-fi movie Alien, and the sequel that Green will write aims to be much more “alien-y†and in line with the terrifying tone of past films in the franchise, says the site.[/b] [b][/b] [b]Additionally, the sequel is expected to feature multiple ‘David’ androids, which means there will be more than one Michael Fassbender on screen at the same time, according to an individual familiar with the project.[/b] ================================= I know the article above is more about Prometheus news but I wanted to wanted to see if anyone knows about this Michael Green person because I thought maybe someone else brought it up in the past or something.
3 Replies


Admin2KMar-25-2014 11:38 PM
Yes it was posted back when the news came out, but that's fine, it's interesting extra Prometheus news too that some may not have seen. I find it interesting both movies will have the same writer. I don't know much about the guy, thought what I have heard is he penned 'The Green Lantern" script and people were not thrilled with that movie. Who knows really, we will just have to wait and see. :D : Writer Michael Green to Pen 'Blade Runner' Sequel. *(Sorry links seem to be weird atm, Chris will fix the function asap) P.S: If you ever want to look back through older news or posts, or just to check if something has already been posted use the 'Search' function on the 'Scified' main forum. :D


MemberNoobMar-26-2014 2:58 AM
i dd read that Ridley Scott asked for there to be a lack of Gigerish bio-mechanics in the first, so that the engineer technology looks more constructed and metallic, hence the reason the original space jockey looks like something grown and the prometheus one looks built. but that prometheus two shows signs of a more gigerish, biomechanical grown, bone slime and weird look as the engineers technology becomes more exposed to the alien dna. i know he asked for the creature in the first to look more fleshy and less alien, and to keep as much giger out of the first movie on purpose. I can only hope this sequel to Prometheus is where Giger gets deployed more and the sets take on the strange look we are familiar with in Alien as for Blade Runner i actually have faith he can pull this off. there was no fluke to the fact that every scene in the first movie looked like a syd mead work of art, and he managed to create that feel in every scene, when he made some one to watch over me (not sci fi) it also had a similar look. this tells me he can create that ambience at will Fishkettlebanana :)


MemberNoobApr-01-2014 9:36 PM
Cutesy_Alieny.gif Xenomorph (Lisa Frank-style) by Galena Larkin

One-thing that is totally for certain is; Mr. Green and Mr. Cutesy are good friends. ;) And yes, multiple Davids, plus multiple perfect orgasms ...sounds like "Paradise". :) I'm sure whatever they come-up with for the sequels to "Prometheus", will be at least entertaining. Who are the 'dark angel' Engineers, exactly? Will David ever become a real boy (why or why not)? And the legitimacy of Shaw's faith, along with whatever-else they can impregnant us with. I've always seen "Blade Runner" as the beauty, and...

A_L_I_E_N_as_the_beast.gif Pretty_Green_Eyes.gif Pretty Green Eyes Jonesy by Otto Schmidt


Rainbow_Eyed_Blaster_Girl.gif Cutesy Replicanty Double-Blaster Schoolgirl by ryouse1366


Thanks Tetris + Svanya + FKB²
Sawa will be counting the days until 2019: hrts.gifBR2hrts.gif


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