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MemberNoobMar-06-2013 1:37 PM[center]
[url=]Preview pg. 20-21[/url] (Nov-2012) [url=]Purchase[/url]
A 1/2 Studio Scale blimp featuring the original ads, four servo controlled spotlights with a ton of LEDs, courtesy of Lightbenders! This model represents three years of patient digging and research:
[url=]Jason Eaton's Gallery on Flickr[/url]
[url=]Jason's thread while building the model[/url]
[url=]Go Scified to Doug Trumbull's model archive[/url]
Jason's model would be a nice one, for the Shimago-Dominguez Corporation to mass-produce. I'd purchase one, especially if it came completely assembled. I'd use it as a giant nite-lite. :O
Or maybe even as romantic-lighting, for [url=]special[/url] pork-noodle n' duck dinner. :P
3 Replies

MemberNoobMar-06-2013 10:59 PMI saw this issue a couple of months in BR zone on facebook, if I remember correctly. Is it a replica or the original blimp? thx again! ):
This is another amateur ads like the original, made by a anonymouse fan
many years ago.
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