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Admin2KFeb-28-2013 4:51 PMHere is a great Phillip K Dick interview:
[Center][url=]Rare 1979 Philip K. Dick interview[/url][/Center]
[Center]P.K. Dick and Ridley Scott[/Center]
5 Replies

MemberNoobFeb-28-2013 6:19 PMYes, this is a goody, & not to miss. I've listened to it in the past. +Super-pic.
Thanks Svanya. ^_^

MemberNoobMar-04-2013 9:11 AM[center][/center] I listened to some of this again, & noticed the Japanese cover for [url=]"VALIS" (1981)[/url]:
I wonder who did this artwork?
BR-like video billboard, from a smoggy Beijing ([url=]source[/url]).[/center]
Bonus link:
[url=]Total Dick Head Blog[/url]
Thanks Svanya. ^_^

MemberNoobMar-05-2013 9:16 AM[center][/center]AIR OF MYSTERY: [url=]Haze obscured the Pangu Plaza Office Building[/url] in Beijing Saturday. Beijing on Sunday (Jan-13-13) issued its first-ever ‘orange’ fog warning, an alert to the elderly, children and people suffering from respiratory disease to stay indoors and limit exposure to the pollution. (ChinaFotoPress/Zuma Press)
[url=]Pangu Plaza (office/condo/hotel complex)[/url]
[url=]E China city issues orange fog alert[/url]
[url=]Smog threat remains; Beijing issues first ever orange alert[/url]
[url=]NASA: Air Quality Suffering in China[/url]
[url=]Shanghai[/url] is quite big-videoscreen/futuristic-looking these days, too. The Chinese building-boom over the last decade (& some); reminds me of Japan's, during the 1980s. The Japanese face a similar danger with air-pollution, too; aside from the fact, it's [url=]far more serious[/url].
You're welcome, Montesco. ^_^
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