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The Doctor

MemberNoobFeb-18-2014 1:15 PM

So I heard from my real life friend (member: indiana jones) that they are making THREE new Star Wars movies, thus a "Sequel Trilogy", so him and I call it. He told me that the original actors, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford will return to play their respective roles throuought this Sequel Trilogy. For those who don't know, Episode VII will try to barely use CGI, making it more like the original trilogy. As expected, the other two will do the same. My friend said he read about this on a Wikipedia page that was linked to, where the information originally came from. That's just about all I know of this. I personally think this is FANTASTIC! What are your thoughts?

12 Replies

Like a Bossk

MemberNoobFeb-19-2014 1:54 PM

I think thats great that they are trying to make it as original and "real" as possible, but I would take much of this information with a grain of salt.  The new SW movie has had a lot of rumors floating around with very little facts released.  Like I said, it sounds great, but I wouldn't get my hopes too high until we know for sure.

The Doctor

MemberNoobFeb-19-2014 2:55 PM

Of course, Of course.. You shouldn't believe everything you find on the internet.. I didn't say it was official, but indiana said that that site was the official site. In the description I made for this, I do think that I stated that it was "probable". Too bad I cant see the description, only the initial post and the replies.. I think what I learned would be great things for the continued Star Wars series. However, I will not be that dissapointed if what I've learned is false because I'm excited about any new Star Wars movie anyway. :)


ps: I'm not familiar with the phrase "with a grain  of salt". Would you mind explaining?

Like a Bossk

MemberNoobFeb-19-2014 5:32 PM

Taking something with a grain of salt means to atke the information with some skepticism.  I honestly do not know where the phrase originated from.  I agree though, if what you heard is true then it is very exciting.  And I am the same as you; just excited to see some new SW material!


Admin2KFeb-19-2014 7:56 PM is not the official site, don't know who told you that. I am not sure there is even an official one made yet, everything you see unless indicated is a fansite, as is our site here. 


AdminAtmanFeb-19-2014 8:02 PM

The going rumor is that all three are to return for Episode VII and kind of "pass the torch" off to whoever plays their childre for the remaining sequels. However no concrete evidence has been released to support these claims, only word-of-mouth at this point.

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


AdminAtmanFeb-19-2014 8:16 PM

And is definitely NOT the official site.

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

The Doctor

MemberNoobFeb-20-2014 8:28 AM

I am sadly confused *~* I just wanted to say what I heard.. But yay, Staff and Admin commenting on my discussions! ^_^ Thank you. All of you are right and I will state again, I didn't say it was official, only saying what my friend told me. You could message him, member: indiana jones, if you wanted to. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.

indiana jones

MemberNoobFeb-20-2014 3:23 PM

THANKS FOR THE SHOUT OUT. (and waito dump everyone on me) lol jk


"That is one big pile of sh*t" -Doctor Ian Malcom

indiana jones

MemberNoobFeb-20-2014 3:28 PM

my inbox is now scared 0_0


"That is one big pile of sh*t" -Doctor Ian Malcom


Admin2KFeb-20-2014 4:21 PM

Aww Brett! No one is upset, was just clarifying that the site isn't the Official one, as soon as an Official one hits we will link it. :D

From what I know, yes all the original stars, Hamill, Fisher and Ford will be in the new Star Wars movie. Just waiting on official confirmation. 

The Doctor

MemberNoobFeb-20-2014 4:27 PM

ok then ^_^

indiana jones

MemberNoobFeb-20-2014 5:08 PM

"That is one big pile of sh*t" -Doctor Ian Malcom

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