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MemberNoobFeb-10-2013 4:01 PM[center][/center]French graphic artist, & writer, [url=]Enki Bilal's[/url] screen-adaptation of his [url=]"The Nikopol Trilogy"[/url]:
[url=]Immortal (2004) CG Feature Review[/url]
This film can be currently caught on Youtube. One may certainly notice the similarities with [url=]"The Long Tomorrow" (1975)[/url] strip. Also, with other films that have drawn from it; such as "The Fifth Element" (1997), & of course "Blade Runner".
3 Replies

MemberNoobFeb-11-2013 6:49 AMEnki bilal is one of the greatest graphic novel cartoonists and was often published in Heavy Metal comics and Metal Hurlant alongside Jean Giraud 'Moebius'. he is one of the greats and the Nikopol trilogy is truly amazing, Paris looks like a more derelict version of bladerunner but with the run down look of Gigers New York City

Admin2KFeb-10-2013 4:04 PMI love "The Long Tomorrow" , it was Ridley's inspiration for a few elements in Prometheus as well. I really didn't enjoy the movie "Immortal" though, I had watched it a few years ago and found it relied too much on bad CGI and not enough on the storyline. I was not aware it was based on a graphic novel, so I may go and read them out of curiosity.

MemberNoobFeb-12-2013 11:30 AM[center][/center]Yes Svanya, the CG was definitely a mixed-bag of sorts, & I didn't care for the dubbing much. I once read there was more than a few production troubles, in getting this film finished. I do find the illustrated version is the better of the two.
And fishkettlebanana, very observant with pointing-out that the cityscape reminds you of Giger's NYC. As that had never crossed my mind before.
Also, since you both are already familiar with this one ...I did just recently come across Takashi Ishii's "The Black Angel" ([url=]1[/url] & [url=]2[/url]) on Youtube. I find his films are somewhat reminiscent of Ridley's visual-style, also usually quite entertaining. Although, there are better examples of his work, that would be more Ridley-like.
Bonus link:
From the "Black Angel" [url=]soundtrack.[/url] :)
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