MemberNoobDec-18-2013 5:12 PMHello everyone,
I don't really know where to ask my question so I will try here.
For my job I have to research if there is some jewelry in futuristic sci fi movies. So the question is: have some scriptwritters thought about jewelry in the future ? Most of the humans are wearing suits or armor in the future but no jewelry. Sometimes a watch maybe, that represents the technical part of the jewelry. But even for this I don't have any real example.
Could you please help me and give me some idea ?
Thank you,

Admin2KDec-18-2013 5:14 PMOh my gosh that IS an interesting question! The best example I can give you off top of my head would be the 'Star Trek' franchise. The women usually have some sort of special makeup and jewelry on. The writers seem to be very careful about showing jewelry as much as the costumes. Here is one example of jewelry being as important to the characters as hair/clothes: Bajoran earring
Welcome to the site Carole. :)

MemberNoobDec-18-2013 5:31 PMThank you Svanya. Here the jewelry stays only decorative. I can suppose it helped to show the sex of the person and the social position.
If someone has other examples (of decorative or useful jewelry), I am still interested ;)

Admin2KDec-18-2013 5:34 PMI will look for other examples, and post them when I find. I wanted to ask, when you said 'the technical part of the jewelry' what did you mean? As in life support or a weapon perhaps? Jewelry used as something other than decorative?

Community ExecutiveMemberNoobDec-18-2013 7:40 PMHi Carole, I'm no sure what are you needing so I will put some Jewellery, I remember I saw In science fiction movies.
Ruby RhodVideo
Ruby Rhrod scepter/mic-carrying The Fith element
The Fifth Element- Diva Plavalaguna
I remember I saw a bvlgari watch/gadget in Elysium.(carried by Jodie Foster)
Turanga Leela the bracelet is an accessory but also has multiple technological applications.
Robert Downey Jr.’s Range Of Watches In New Iron Man Movie; Bvlgari & Hublot
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

Community ExecutiveMemberNoobDec-18-2013 8:19 PMStar wars, in this article you will find the dress with each jewel she use in the movies.
The Hunger Games
Capitol Couture the Future Fashion.
The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

MemberNoobDec-19-2013 6:01 AMThank you very much for all your answers. I have enough input to continue now. I have also received answers on a french website: http://www.commentcamarche.net/forum/affich-29325586-les-bijoux-dans-les-films-de-science-fiction-futuriste Maybe it can help someone (even if it is in French, pictures are understandable).
Have a nice end of year and Happy Holidays!

Admin2KDec-19-2013 10:52 AMThat's great Carole, and some of us do understand French so thank you very much for linking the website, I am glad you found what you were looking for. Happy Holidays to you too! :)
Ah yes, I see now, some of the links in the first article show functional jewlery as I thought in my prior question, like the 'Star Trek' communicator watches. Je vois que l'article donne beaucoup des memes sujets qu'on vous a donne en exemple, surtout les 'Star Trek' et 'Star Wars' (pardonne l'absense d'accents, mon clavier est Americain). Dommage qu'il n'y a pas plus de femmes ici sur le cite pour vous donner plus d'exemples. En tout cas je suis tres contente que vous avez trouve ce que tu cherchais. :)

Community ExecutiveMemberNoobDec-20-2013 2:31 PMYou're welcome Carole, I'm glad we did a little help for your work ;) and thanks for the fiction futuriste link, as Svanya said french is understood by some members in this site-