Beautiful new video of Joanna Cassidy performing Zhora's "Snake Dance".

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Admin2KJan-19-2013 5:55 PM
Joanna Cassidy recently decided to film her interpretation of the "Snake Dance" Zhora would have performed at Taffey Lewis's bar in the original "Blade Runner" movie. [i]"To all the fans of my work and especially Bladerunner, I have put up on my YouTube Channel the dance from Bladerunner that could have been, and since it is the 30th anniversary of the film, I wanted to acknowledge and celebrate the genius that went into the making of this very special movie." ~ Joanna Cassidy [/i] [Center][url=]"What Might Have Been: Snake Dance" by Joanna Cassidy as Zhora from Blade Runner. [/url][/Center] [Center][IMG][/IMG][/Center] [Center][IMG][/IMG][/Center] [Center][IMG][/IMG][/Center]
10 Replies


MemberNoobJan-20-2013 12:09 AM
That very thoughtful on her part and I appreciate that she went through the effort to interpret this piece on behalf of all the fans of Blade Runner. Her willingness to do this demonstrates her acknowledgement of the genius of Ridley Scott in one of his best movies to date. Having said that I only wish they had recorded her doing the snake dance during the filming of Blade runner as there is no doubt that Ridley Scott could have created the best possible interpretation of what he had in mind for this sequence. Of course Joanna was also in her tip top prime back then and that fact would have added to the quality of the piece. She was really gorgeous then and I have to give her credit for having taken good care of herself as she still looks good after all these years. Perhaps she is the property of Tyrell corp afterall! :)


Admin2KJan-20-2013 12:38 AM
She is amazing! For the 25th anniversary, she got back into Zhora's costume to re-shoot the sequence in which Zhora fell through the glass in order to fix a continuity error with the stuntwoman's helmet hair. If that doesn't show people how dedicated she is I don't know what could. [IMG][/IMG]


MemberNoobJan-20-2013 8:55 AM
A nice find. She still looks fantastic after all this time, & certainly a well done tribute.


MemberNoobJan-30-2013 6:51 PM
Shocking news and report, Svanya! thank you for bringing us it. Joanna is a daring person jumping to Internet scene. I have some material of this subject, the scene could have been amazing to see. Due to time and budget was rejected and never filmed, she Zhora appears with Egyptian dancer's costume in the *Dangerous Days* do***entary. Salome Dance or Snake Dance? Thats my question. There are some material and drawings on Internet by [url=]Mentor Huebner[/url], of what might have been, the video is spectacular dance and gives me much to think about. [img][/img] [i]Mentor Huebner[/i]


MemberNoobFeb-01-2013 5:57 AM
As interesting as the scene might have been, I believe what was implied was far more powerful & effective (in accenting BR's dark-future), compared to simply watching a seductive snake-charmer dance. It also plugged straight into a seedy reality of the 1970s-80s. Where for a time, the underground came above to the street-level, in cities like NYC & LA. The stripped-down scene in the film, worked to imply that the live adult show would head into the anything goes realm, in future America. I think a case when budgetary constraints, made the scene better than what was originally intended. Ridley pushes the viewer to use their imagination, & right down to the gutter-level. :O I find the entire Zhora segment mirrors a cold reality with a sex-trade worker's degrading & desperate fight to survive in a big mean city. Also similarly depicts a common demise, hunted & murdered by their pimp when they try to run. Snake Woman Synchronicity: In the Fall of 1981, the famous photo "Nastassja Kinski & The Serpent" ran in US Vogue. And also quickly became a best-selling poster of the time: [url=]Photo: Nastassja Kinski & The Serpent (Jun-81 in LA)[/url] [url=]Video: Richard Avedon: Kinski Shoot[/url] The photographer claimed that it was originally inspired by a visit with Salvador Dali. He observed him paint, with Dali's wife posing with a snake. Or maybe he even saw a few of the rushes for superstar Harrison Ford's then upcoming film, LOL. + thanks for the pic/link Montesco! ^_^ S:)


MemberNoobFeb-01-2013 10:30 AM
Hi, Sawa, nice pic of Nastassja snake! The other thing that most captivates me is the Zhora's orgasma mask, had a very bizarre design, you can see it on the book The Blade Runner Sketchbook, p. 88, Joanna said there was a choreography designed to the scene, but never peformed till now!


MemberNoobFeb-02-2013 3:37 AM
LOL, the Orgasma Mask. It seems somewhat ill-conceived. I'm guessing that it was supposed to be a bizarre multi-player+ hi-tech stimulation system. And in place of a traditional peep-show booth or a private lap-dance (or whatever-else in-between shows). [url=]OM Intro Pg.87[/url] [url=]OM Sketch Pg.88[/url] [url=]OM Sketch Pg.89[/url] [url=]OM Sketch Pg.90[/url] And yes, that Nastassja photo is very BR-like, if not a direct insider rip-off. Her [url=]daughter Sonja[/url], also followed in her [url=]mother's snake-wraps[/url]. + [url=]1 more 80s Nastassja-pic looking like a BR-Streetwalker[/url] S:)


MemberNoobFeb-02-2013 9:58 AM
LOL! what a such material, but Sonja's mother is prettier than her. ):


MemberNoobFeb-02-2013 6:35 PM
Nastassja's career was primarily built around her sexual-exploitation, during her teens. She was said to been regularly abused by her euro-famous actor father, & likely many of his associates. Although, she denied these accusations; her older half-sister, has come forward with a similar, & horrifying abuse claim, recently. I believe they both are quite beautiful women; however, Sonja's career hasn't had near the success in either fashion or as an actress. It appears her mother is very protective of her, & doesn't allow her to get wrapped-up in the same mess she was. Aside from the snakes, LOL. Maybe Nastassja is on the Confidential Committee of Moral Abuses, & checking for dirty holes. S:)


Admin2KFeb-05-2013 12:15 AM
@Sawa; Oh those images are amazing ! Remember the book had tons of machines to fix/enhance/change moods (mood organ) so this seems like it was trying to follow that lead. Btw, I JUST realized Natasha is the daughter of Nosferatu!! >.<
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