Rex Fan 684
MemberNoobDec-11-2013 8:27 PMYet another one of my famed top 10 lists...
10. The Colo Claw Fish
This eel like fish can be found lurking in the depths of Naboo's watery core. The Colo Claw fish uses it's large teeth and claws to attack prey.
Size- 40 meters long
9. Tauntaun
These harmless reptiles are known to inhabit the planet Hoth. They are often used as mounts by Rebel soldiers and explorers to the icy planet.
Size- 1.3-2 meters tall at the shoulder
8. Sando Aqua Monster
The Sando Aqua Monster is the top predator in Naboo's core. It fears nothing and eats anything. It's body is almost a mix of feline and reptile.
Size- 200 meters long
7. Sarlacc
The Sarlacc was a strange beast that hid buried in a pit of sand on the planet of Tatooine. All that could be seen were it's giant tentacles, toothed jaws, and beaked tongue. The Sarlacc was a common creature used by Jabba the Hutt in executions.
Size- 100 meters long(mostly buried)
6. Nexu
The Nexu was a fearsome beast used by Geonosians in executions. The creature sported tooth filled jaws and large claws. The nexu was extremely fast and agile.
Size- 4.51 meters long
5. Acklay
Acklays were large and dangerous reptiles. They were used in Geonosian executions and utilized large pincers and deadly jaws when battling enemies.
Size- 3.05 meters tall
5. Reek
Reeks were large, powerful creatures with a triple set of horns. They were capable of very fast charges and used their size as a weapon. They've been used in Geonosian executions.
Size- 2.24 meters tall
4. Rishi Eel
Rishi eels were very large predators. They were in fact the apex predators of the Rishi Moon. These eels had large jaws that could swallow a whole person. Rishi eels would hide in tunnels and caves and ambush prey.
Size- 3-4 meters long
3. Wampa
Wampas may have been the top predators on Hoth. They're white fur kept them warm and allowed them to blend in with the snow. Wampas have powerful jaws, long arms, and huge claws that are all used in combat.
Size- 2.2-3 meters
2. Zillo Beast
The Zillo beast was an immense reptile native to Malastare. This giant predator possessed three arms, a spiked tail, massive jaws, and armor that was impervious to standard weapons. The Zillo beast gained Palpatines interest and he brought one of the last remaining ones to Coroscaunt. The creature escaped and causes massive damage before being killed by clone troopers and LAAT Gunships.
Size- 97 meters long
1. Rancor
Jurassic Park had T-rex. Star Wars had the Rancor. The rancor possessed large claws and teeth that it used in battle. It was Jabba the Hutts prized pit beast and a common sight in many gladiator/execution events. The Rancor is without a doubt the most famous alien monster seen in Star Wars.
Size- 5-19 meters tall(depends on the species)

MemberNoobDec-12-2013 12:24 AMGreat list, I agree with all of them.
Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com

MemberNoobDec-12-2013 7:23 PMMy favorites are the Acklay, the colo claw fish, the nexu and the Rancor, but mostly I love the Acklay :)

Rex Fan 684
MemberNoobDec-12-2013 9:52 PMThanks guys. Now that I think about it, I think the Krayt dragon would be a better choice than the Rishi Eel. Krayt dragons were nearly 30-45 meters long and were immensly powerful carnivores native to Tatooine. The Krayt Dragon is probably my favorite SW alien/monster.
Like a Bossk
MemberNoobJan-28-2014 9:22 AM
Rex Fan 684
MemberNoobFeb-01-2014 2:18 PMThanks, glad you liked the list. I agree a Krayt Dragon in the new movies would be cool.

MemberNoobFeb-24-2014 5:35 PMKrayt Dragons are my personal favorite. I hope something in Episode 7 or Star Wars Rebels occurs that makes a Krayt Dragon and a Rancor fight. That would be awesome.
Like a Bossk
MemberNoobFeb-25-2014 9:01 AM@NerfHerder, that would be cool! Maybe the criminal underground of Tatooine will hold monster fights that people bet on and it will be on Ep. 7!

MemberNoobMar-17-2014 4:09 PM1. Rancor
2. Rancor
3. Rancor
4. Rancor
5. Rancor
6. Rancor
7. Rancor
8. Rancor
9. Rancor
10. Rancor
As you can see, I like the rancor alot.
"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

MemberNoobMar-25-2014 12:15 AMWhat about the Gorog from Star Wars Force Unleashed 2?
I love every monster on the list except Zillo Beas, to stupid looking for me.
Did you that black acklay can use the force and shoot balls of electricity from their mouths?
They can. ;)
Youre fat, and I'm not sugarcoating it cause you'd probably eat that too.