So Alien and Blade Runner really is the same universe?

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MemberNoobDec-05-2013 3:23 AM
Found this via reddit and holy crap I cannot BELIEVE I never spotted this but wow this is quite awesome and scary too! I also tried to search for this and couldn't find a topic about this.... Anyways I created this topic because the link below and the picture below the link literally freaked me out, I mean seriously! Source link below: [url=]So Blade Runner & Alien must take place in the same universe?[/url] [img][/img] More details behind the picture above here: [b]"That was the point where all the original opening effects scenes that had been storyboarded by Sherman Labbey or painted by Mentor Huebner - the replicant's escape from the furnace asteroid, the scene of Deckard landing on a farm at the beginning of the show - were cut from the film," Trumbull relates. "One sequence I was particularly sorry to see go had Deckard arriving in Los Angeles from the desert on this futuristic train. He got out at Union Station in downtown LA and then got into his car, which sort of flowed out onto this automated freeway which could control a vehicle's speed and direction independently of its operator. But then Deckard got caught in this horrendous traffic jam. So he set his car on autopilot, got out, and walked over to this huge tower that looked something like a concrete mushroom. There he entered an elevator and exited on top of the tower and waited on a ramp, where a police Spinner flew down and picked him up to carry him to police headquarters."[/b] [b]- Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner By Paul M. Sammon, 1996, pp. 221[/b] But yeah click the reddit link I posted above the screen shot since there is more information about this connection and 700 plus comments. Also I am sure SOMEONE in this community has talked or created a topic/thread about the Prometheus/Blade Runner same universe thing via easter eggs from the blu ray disc but just in case you need a memory refresh [url=]click here[/url] This made me glad that I purchased and own the Prometheus Blu Ray movie since I really enjoyed the film even though there is a ton of people out there that didn't like it or didn't get it but I am guessing the majority of them were honestly thinking that Prometheus was going to have tons of Xenomorphs or whatever but hell no lol. Even I KNEW that and I am glad that Prometheus turned out to be more of a unique film with mysteries and had me guessing a lot but it also had me re-watching the movie several times because I learned/discovered something new or having fun debates about the movie with other Ridley Scott films :) I love it when films do that because what is the point of making a movie that hardly has any re-watchable value to it? I hate it when Hollyturd narrates or explains every single freaking detail about the movie because the audience can't think or don't want to think since they just want mindless action films that have been done to death many times. ps: Mod if this topic or post has been discussed, delete this and link me the correct thread if possible! cheers! *Link made clickable by Svanya
21 Replies


Member2KDec-05-2013 11:14 AM
Yup, Ridley is all about saving money if he can, so just inserted the PURGE screen from the Narcissus. It's amazing how those small details can get us so excited, but they do! :-D


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


Admin2KDec-05-2013 12:14 PM
As far as I am aware no they are not. It's like Lone said, Ridley is fond of reusing footage. I did some research and the Prometheus Blu-Ray extras tying the two universes together was not real. This topic explored that question:[url=]Has the Prometheus universe been fused with Blade Runner's?[/url] Here is a quote from Charles de Lauzirika, the man who created the supposed communique written by Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce), which made some pretty obvious allusions to Blade Runner's Eldon Tyrell. He apparently got the idea from fans online trying to connect the dots between the two acclaimed sci-fi universes, and thought he would have a little fun to see if anyone would catch on. Of course, everyone did: [i]"That was me having fun and being cutesy. I wrote all that stuff. I actually said this at the press conference they had in London, which is that if it's in the film, it's canon. I would argue that the viral pieces that are included in the Peter Weyland Files are canon just because they originated with Ridley and Damon Lindelof. I would say those, to some degree, are canon. But anything else - especially these which are kind of like little cute, embedded text graphics on the menus - I wouldn't take those too seriously. It's just meant to be an in-universe framework for those viral pieces." "As a Blade Runner fan, and because there's been so much talk before this even occurred with people on the Internet speculating that maybe Alien and Blade Runner and Prometheus could all exist in the same universe, it was just more of a wink at that. Absolutely nothing to be taken seriously. I mean, I sent it to Ridley and he had no comment. [Laughs] So, it's just icing on top of icing. It's not the cake. It's a fun, little side thing that's very superficial. And, by the way, it in no way officially establishes that it's Blade Runner because, if a lawyer were to comb through that, there's no reference to Tyrell or anything in Blade Runner. It's just a very lightly intentioned joke."[/i]


MemberNoobDec-05-2013 3:06 PM
@Svanya Interesting! Even though in my opinion I think the whole Alien/Prometheus/Blade Runner thing is a bit silly BUT I will admit that it is kind of fun to see stuff like this and try to dig deeper into the whole thing because it is just another fun way to talk about blade runner even though the movie is over 30 years old! Now that I think about it, I started to laugh when I thought of the infamous quote from Roy Batty via "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe, etc etc" and I thought it would of been stupid/hilarious if he started to talk about chestbursters or xenomorphs lol, like this poor attempt at humor by me: "Xenomorphs taking over the shoulder of Orion. I watched chestbursters killed my fellow replicants in the dark near the dinner table. All those moments were nuked from the's the only way to be sure" yeah I know it sucks but I wonder what would or how silly it would of been if Blade Runner / Aliens were truly connected. Imagine Deckard was given the job to "Retire" xenomorphs or the robot/android character Bishop from Alien 2 or Alien 3 lol


MemberNoobDec-05-2013 3:13 PM
[center][/center][center][img][/img][/center] I believe in Ridley's mind, he does think the films are connected, but officially they are not (more so an issue between rights-holders of the films). And I highly doubt any agreement would ever be reached to connect them officially, either. The screens they have in-common are very interesting, and because the numerology presented. All the screens in both films, have quite unique patterns; even numbers mentioned, in association with the story, or just seen elsewhere throughout the films (and including "Prometheus"). Of course, there is something that gives away as well, that these patterns/numbers actually may have extended meanings in "Prometheus" (and more than a few other indicators, elsewhere). I will write something about all this in the New Year, when I have more time to present my speculative findings, properly. You bring-up a very good observation-point. I think there is a possibility the screens the films have in-common, aren't simply there because of budget/time-saving measures (even though, I believe this is the official explanation). Thanks tertis. ^_^ Bonus link: [url=]Number 23 in BR[/url] S;)


Admin2KDec-05-2013 6:36 PM
Let's not forget about this from 'Aliens'. Says Dallas worked for Tyrell corp. I still think these are all just nods and winks and inside jokes. [Center][IMG][/IMG][/Center]

Engineer Tech Brett

MemberNoobDec-05-2013 6:48 PM
I would agree with Svanya. I think they are just "nods and winks and inside jokes" but if they do want to connect both films then i wont be disappointed at all. PS. in the two years i have had my profile, i think this is my first post on a forum thats not prometheus. Joke of it is im still talking about something Alien. Good to be here tho.

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.


Admin2KDec-05-2013 7:26 PM
@Engineer Tech Brett; Welcome to the Blade Runner site! :D


MemberNoobDec-05-2013 7:46 PM
[center][/center]Maybe so, and the example from "ALIENS" is certainly a nod n' wink. I believe when looking at the numerology, ("ALIEN", "Blade Runner", "Prometheus"), or the examining the visuals from a religious angle; extended meanings, become more plausible, etc. And this is what I've been taking a far deeper-look into, more recently. Anyway, something to at least explore or even seriously consider, when researching the details. I don't think many of us would wind-up on the exact same-page, if we were all to sit in the same room together, watch a film, and discuss afterwards (that's just fine, too). And as you already all know, the way we interrupt these films changes, and evolves over-time. You're all welcome to think whatever you like, as will I. :) Thanks Svanya + Engineer Tech Brett. ^_^ S;)


Admin2KDec-05-2013 8:03 PM
@Sawa; I looked at the link you posted and it is excellent I will admit. The one thing that makes me think the universes are not linked is the Weyland industries timeline (which was taken down I see.... So now I can't link it. ) Anyways they posted facts about each universe and they just don't match, like in the 'Alien' universe pollution has been reversed and the planet 'cured' if you will, while in the 'Blade Runner' one people are leaving the planet because of the pollution. Things like that. I could be mistaken though.


MemberNoobDec-05-2013 9:56 PM
[center][/center]All I'm stating is I believe in Ridley's mind, they are connected. And simply because it's 'his overall vision' as far as he is concerned. He has implied that more than a few times over the years, too. But no, they aren't linked officially. I don't believe there is anything solid to state otherwise (I agree with you). I also think the 'cutesy' excuse will not fly a second-time, and so there's no danger of them being officially, or even unofficially linked (nice try cigar). Ridley will just have to keep a sock in his mouth from now on, regarding that concept (unless FOX somehow acquires the rights to BR). I'm implying something far different about the screens in-common, nothing to with connecting the universes (nor canon-wise), but everything to do with a connection to significant numerology (subliminal and religious). Something real low-level, under the radar, or even incredibly coincidental. Similar to exploring the occurrences of 23 in BR; however expanded ...coming 2014. :O Thanks Svanya. ^_^ S;)


MemberNoobDec-06-2013 1:05 AM
Yeah I think the reason why Ridley Scott did this is just to have fun! I mean tons of directors and developers of video games and movies do this kind of stuff. My favorite is when Blade Runner is mentioned/nod/tribute/etc in video games. The Fallout: New Vegas game is where you could find and use the Blade Runner gun via LAPD 2019 blaster that Deckard uses, that was actually one of the very cool blade runner stuff being tied in video games. Hell, I think there is more blade runner eggs/nods/references/tribute/etc in video games than movies. The newest and most recent video game to have a blade runner nod is the fantastic yet underrated game titled \"Gone Home\" Trust me on this one, keep reading and you will enjoy this! What is \"Gone Home?\" [url=]Click Here for the official \"Gone Home\" homepage[/url] [url=]Click Here for a short yet cool trailer of the \"Gone Home\" Game[/url] Ok now yer wondering why I mentioned Gone Home, well here it is: [url=]Click Here, turn the volume up and listen for just 2-3 seconds of what the person is saying in the video while playing Gone Home[/url] Woot!!! I also love it when Blade Runner gets mentioned in video games Maybe I should create a separate thread with nothing but blade runner inspirations/nods/eggs/tributes/etc in video games only.


MemberNoobDec-06-2013 4:34 AM
I am really familiar with both films, and even though the purge screen is an obvious lift from one film to the other, I have an affinity for soundtracks. if you listen carefully or in my case have a Ridley scott night, you will notice on quite a few occasions he has used the same sound effects in Alien as he has in blade runner and that is absolute. I can't name them now but everytime I watch alien i find myself picking out the sounds that re-occur in the other film Fishkettlebanana :)


Admin2KDec-06-2013 11:26 AM
[i]"Hell, I think there is more blade runner eggs/nods/references/tribute/etc in video games than movies".-tetris911[/i] @tetris911; Very true. Speaking of games and the Fallout series in particular, in 'Fallout 3' the quest 'The Replicated Man' story revolves around an android that is very much like a Replicant. I think that was a cool nod to 'Blade Runner'. [url=]Fallout 3- 'The Replicated Man'- Ending[/url] EDIT: Funny enough I found another 'Blade Runner' reference just now, in this video I watched today. At the end the girl does her makeup and clothes like Pris does when she hides from Deckard at Sebastian's apartment. [url=]CAMERAS "Defeatist" Official Video[/url] [Center][IMG][/IMG][/Center] [Center][IMG][/IMG][/Center] [Center][IMG][/IMG][/Center]


MemberNoobDec-07-2013 7:00 AM
[center][img][/img][/center] Yes, BR certainly reused Sound-FX from "ALIEN", and I believe done at the suggestion of Terry Rawlings (if I remember right). And almost just the same, I Iiked the sounds that the "SPACE: 1999" boys brought over to "ALIEN", too. With additional bit of trivia, Terry had recently stated that the film takes place over the long weekend. And that would be the Thanksgiving one (Thursday, Nov. 28th - Sunday, Dec .1st, 2019). Plus, the reason it's always raining ...just simply a wet weekend, nothing more. + Super Pris-wink video. ;) Thanks Svanya + Mr. Fish(kettlebanana). ^_^ What time is it Mr. Wolf? [url=]BR Newsstand: JAN 2020 issue of "KILL WEEKLY"[/url] [url=]1981 HEAVY METAL PRESENTS: MOEBIUS (Kill excerpt)[/url] S:)


MemberNoobDec-07-2013 11:22 AM
I like the idea of both films being in the same universe :) Some clues lead to Blade Runner being part of the Star Wars universe too ;) Here's some clues.. Milleniam Falcon building in Blade Runner. [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] The Blade Runner NYPD building in Star Wars:Episode 1. [IMG][/IMG] and this :) [IMG][/IMG]


MemberNoobDec-08-2013 3:58 PM
[center][img][/img] [b]In Your Wildest Dreams, Mr. Deckard by [url=]Dvan7[/url][/b] I wonder if Harrison meant over-the-hill, or over-the-rainbow? =D Thanks djrees. ^_^ S;)


MemberNoobDec-08-2013 6:05 PM
Thank you for posting this interesting material Tetris. Djrees, this maybe is interesting for you Han Solo s heavy blaster is going up for Sale. [url=]Han Solo's Heavy Blaster [/url]


MemberNoobDec-09-2013 8:35 PM
@djrees56 are you sh*ttin me? I never knew that the The Blade Runner NYPD building is in Star Wars:Episode 1 since episode 1 through 3 were god damn awful and cringe worthy. Seriously my friend took me to all three episodes via midnight screening but I always fell asleep sometime during all three movies. Now that first image you said that the Milleniam Falcon building shows up in blade runner as a building or something? Is there a video clip or a better screen shot scene from the BR movie with the falcon in it? I can clearly see the NYPD building in episode 1 with the screen shot you attached anyways good stuff, mind blown so far but i am afraid my mind will be blown up to pieces shortly if i see more pictures/clips/etc


Admin2KDec-09-2013 10:57 PM
@Tetris, he is not sh*tting you! Here is the article: [url=]Little-known sci-fi fact: Millennium Falcon appeared in Blade Runner[/url] [Center][IMG][/IMG][/Center] Know what's the strangest? Han Solo's Blaster and Deckard's Blaster are BOTH up for auction. it's BladeCeption I tell you: [url=]Han Solo and Deckard's Blasters up for Auction[/url] @Sawa, that is one of the funniest images I have seen in awhile!! LOL!!


MemberNoobDec-10-2013 5:20 AM
[center][/center]And just a bit more little-known trivia, about the Millennium Falcon roof-top. The story first ran on the American TV-Show "Entertainment Tonight" (or E.T.), in late June or early July, 1982. ;) You're welcome, Svanya (I thought so, too). ^_^ S;)

Engineer Tech Brett

MemberNoobDec-12-2013 4:33 PM
@svanya ; i'm very happy to be here. @sawa ; you're welcome Fords T-shirt is awesome.

Viddy well, little brother. Viddy well.

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