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MemberNoobDec-03-2013 2:25 PMNow I know this is mostly a waste to put on here considering the odds of Guillermo del Toro actually reading this is about a million to one (not going on exact odds).
But I figure bringing this up more gives it the possibility of actually being noticed. So that is what I desperately wished to do. I am a huge fan of Pacific Rim, yet my personal favorite Jaeger appears for only a total of about 4.7 seconds. It does nothing other then stand up and look cool. (picture below)
And that's really all it needed to do.
This kind of Jaeger is something that should have been on the big screen, but it was a possibility wasted. Honestly I feel that this Jaeger could and would have a great storyline all it's own in a prequel or a sequel. Perhaps even in the comics. Hell adding it to the video game would be enough to make me buy the game and the dlc for it just to play as it.
I'm a hopeless fan about it, but it's hard not to be when you have a Jaeger that is basically everything you wished for in a giant mecha. Striker Eureka was a close second, but this one really is just badass rolled into metal.
So I do wish to possibly have a movie of Tacit Ronin made, however I don't see it happening unless there is a HUGE amount of fans backing it up and sending such to Guillermo, however there is also the idea that he would possibly just ignore it and do his own thing (which is understandable).
In any case, a possible storyline could be that the Tacit Ronin was just finished and it's pilots Duc and Kaori Jessop/Koyamada would be launched on their first mission against either a Category 1 or 2 Kaiju which would be trying to attack Tokyo. Since the Tacit Ronin is named after a samurai, I feel features of it would act and work as such.
An example would be when the Tacit Ronin would finish off the Kaiju, he would step back and then do a quick rush towards it while the Kaiju does the same, and they both slash at one another (The Tacit Ronin at the Kaiju with his arm blades, and the Kaiju at the Tacit Ronin with his claws). But after a moment of standing still after they pass one another, the Kaiju would fall and the Tacit Ronin's blades would slowly retract and click shut. Much like a samurai when sheathing their sword. Little tid-bits like that add good culture and some stereotype (my apologies), to a rather cool mecha.
But once they end the fight they would find someone cowering in fear nearby and carefully pick them up to make sure they aren't hurt and to bring them to safety just in case (picture shown below).
Now that is all I have, I'm not a script-writer so me trying to write something out like this would simply make you all probably laugh or just not take this post seriously. So I'll end it there with a hopeful wish that a prequel/sequel will be made about the Tacit Ronin. On the bright side, many people also seem to like the Cherno Alpha, so I suppose if they made a prequel, the idea of bringing it back would be relatively sound and probably good fan-service. There would also be many chances to see Hercules Hansen from the Striker Eureka again in his old Jaeger, the Lucky Seven and even get to see his brother, Scott Hansen, who could fulfill a similar role to his nephew, Chuck Hansen in being antagonistic towards the pilots of the Tacit Ronin. Finally, the Gypsy Danger could also possibly re-appear in the end, say towards the point where the Tacit Ronin would be destroyed, sort of like a passing of the torch.
In any case those are my thoughts on it and my ideas. Please comment and try to spread this out if possible. Thank you very much!
4 Replies

MemberNoobDec-03-2013 7:35 PMOnly one complaint, and yes nitpicking, but JaegEr not JaegAr

MemberNoobDec-04-2013 12:33 AMTacit Ronin, design-wise is the Jaeger with the absolutely best appearance. That's why it quickly has had its own fan base. I would definitely love to see it in combat using its quick avoidance stance and agile wristblade strikes.
On the other hand, I wish the Jaeger designers for the sequel will take a direction towards designing the mechs more like Tacit Ronin/Striker Eureka style. I am a big Cherno Alpha fan. Cherno Alpha strikingly fits the "Old Russian Juggernaut" concept, as does Crymsoon Typhoon fit its own environment. But looking at other Mark-1's; all of Coyote Tango, Horizon Brave and Romeo Blue are insanely ugly. I wouldn't want to see them in the screen ever again.
MemberNoobDec-17-2013 7:34 AMI have to disagree with you Drakengard because they may be ugly, but they still kick ass and im all in with arlinrenamon on a movie about tacit because it was bad ass. Arlinrenamon, I support and back you up cause tacit was by far one of the best jaegers of the movie. They dont have to be pretty, they just have to work
im a purple grisly bear so get over and become something else
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