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MemberNoobOct-21-2013 1:05 PMFor those of you who have seen Robot Jox ( or even the trailer) I noticed a couple of similarities. I guess it's the custom when activation/calibration of your mech has finished, you end up with a hand into fist gesture. Both films did it.
Another thing I noticed was Newt yelling "I'm a doctor!" when running to the kaiju shelter.
Anybody else take notice of the smaller things that might have given them a chuckle?
1 Replies

MemberNoobOct-21-2013 7:03 PMLast time I saw Robot Jox I was 10 years old. That was when the movie was brand new.
Another link is the name of the Russian pilot of the Russian robot in the movie named Alex. One of Cherno's pilots is named Alexis, but is a woman.
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