Admin2KOct-03-2013 10:27 PMThatt is awesome!! Thank you so much for posting this.
You must have some great stories to tell about working on the movie. :)
MemberNoobOct-04-2013 4:10 AMHi Mattecam
can you share with us any stories from your time on the film. working with Ridley Scott, David Dryer or Matthew Yuricich.
you have a dedicated and interested audience here
Fishkettlebananasnake :)
MemberNoobOct-04-2013 5:30 AMNo fairsies!! It's probably the one with the zipper too...(sob,sob)
I know that I can't afford it mattecam but what size is it?
I know from experience that these jackets are a magical chick magnet :)
MemberNoobOct-04-2013 12:28 PMHi, I worked at EEG which was the effects house for the film--in Marina del Rey. I started as a trainee helping Dave Stewart and Dave Hardberger on the motion control stage shooting the miniatures. That was amazing because everything was done optically then, not digitally, and mattes would be loaded with the unexposed film to block out areas where ships, etc. would go later, then the film was rewound, paired with other mattes, the model shot, etc. Then, the flames would be burned on the unexposed film--they were small screens on the miniature with back projected images of flames. If one thing was done wrong, like one matte threaded one frame off--weeks of work would be ruined. Luckily nothing like that happened!
Then, I was hired as matte camera photographer--matching the amazing matte paintings Matt Yuricich and Rocco Gioffre created --to the live action footage. I worked next to Matt's room, so I had to listen to Vangelis coming from his studio, with the volume cranked all the way up!
A fun time and a great group of people in all departments.
Admin2KOct-04-2013 11:53 PM@mattecam; That sounds fantastic, it must have been an amazing experience.
MemberNoobOct-05-2013 3:05 PMthank you so much Mattcam
did you work with Rocco Gioffre on Robocop or Douglas Trumbull on CE3K, to be in your line of work, you must have worked on some pretty amazing films. whatever your contribution is to Blade Runner, it is perfection in the sum of all of its parts, anything less or more and it wouldn't be the film we Know today. what a story or legacy to tell your children
possibly the greatest film in history
Fishkettlebananasnake :)
MemberNoobOct-06-2013 5:25 AMI appreciate the offer to the forum for the jacket, directly to fans. Unfortunately, it's an item/style I wouldn't wear, nor do I believe it would be overly-flattering on me. And so with that stated, I respectfully decline your fantastic, also kind offer.
I'm someone that travels lightly these days, too. It was a more than pleasant surprise to read your posting about your BR work experience. And for me that is treasure enough, plus thank-you for taking the time to read our comments here. I hope your jacket goes to a fan, that would be able to make real use of it. And not solely for magnetizing chicks, like fried Shi****o peppers do.
Arigato, Tama. ^_^
MemberNoobOct-06-2013 8:26 AMHi, Thanks for your comments. I didn't go on to work on CE3K--I worked on visual effects on a film made in Hong Kong--originally called Swordsmen from Mt. Zu, then called Zu: Warriors From the Mystic Mountain--a kung fu film with lots of effects. Then, I got into live action and worked on feature films, commercials and TV and left the visual effects world behind.
Being a "chick" myself, I never thought of the jacket as being a chick magnet, but I love shi****o peppers, especially fried in a frittata with melted cheese!
The jacket is a medium BTW.
cheers, Tama
MemberNoobOct-06-2013 8:29 AMThe link in original post was broken--here's the front. [img]http://www.tamatakahashi.com/BladeRunner-jacket-front.jpg[/img]
MemberNoobOct-06-2013 5:28 PMMy apologies on using the "chick" phrase folks. I guess I got over excited when I saw this original crew jacket. It's obviously been kept in very good condition. I also got my picture with several professional models wearing my own reproduced crew jacket.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
MemberNoobOct-08-2013 8:26 AMHI djrees56, I got it was a joke! No worries.
MemberNoobOct-08-2013 8:18 PMYes, just having some fun with you djrees56, as you with us. ;) I may have weirded him out with my emphasized politeness; in my initial greeting. ^_^
Although, it could have been made a bit more outlandish. :O
It only hurts to stand-up straight or sit down. =P I should be feeling better within a few days. =D And Tama, you are more than welcome to participate here, whenever you feel doing just that (Svanya is our gracious hostess, and also Co-Admin/Chris Picard is the owner, and creator of SCIFIED). Everyone is very nice, especially djrees56 ...he is quite a sweet Canadian man. I do find it very commendable that he would apologize, automatically. This is more than a bit my fault djrees56; however, I have included one exploding helicopter (re:in place of having a love interest) as a media consolation.
Sumimasen de****a, djrees56. :| Otsukaresama de****a, Tama. ^_^
Bonus link: Can you swim, Mister DJ?
MemberNoobOct-08-2013 8:26 PMThankyou mattecam . I wish I could land a job with someone like Vangelis playing live in the background .
Your jacket has to be the nicest original BR crew jacket I've ever seen :)
You take no blame Sawa. As per usual I walked into it myself ;)
Just watched your video. Bonus exploding helicopter AND love interest...in the same movie :0
That's serious Oscar material...only Bond could get away with it though ;)
MemberNoobOct-09-2013 4:03 PMOh,it's good one. But it's so sadly because miss-spelling of Japanese. You can read this Japanese is "Blade Rurner". Right Japanese is "ƒuƒŒ[ƒh@ƒ‰ƒ“ƒi[" . Anyway, I think this is very rare,hahaha.
MemberNoobOct-09-2013 8:08 PMI've already accepted my punishment, still quite virtually sore. I hope you're happy ...Mister. :| I take that as you have never seen "The Spy Who Loved Me" (1977), before? Oh my... :O "Moonraker" (1979) is a guilty-pleasure, too (Jaws also returns). I like the silly humor in the classic Bond films. :)
BR in Japanese
And yes, the world of BR is not known for it's fine Asian linguistics.
Thanks djrees56 + Seraphi.
Admin2KOct-10-2013 10:01 PMYou guys are awesome. :)
MemberNoobOct-12-2013 1:56 AMI'm sorry that your cheeks are sore Sawa...If you rub talcon powder on them they should feel better ;)
MemberNoobOct-12-2013 4:04 PM![](http://www.scified.com/images/defaultavatar.png)
MemberNoobNov-02-2015 9:44 AM![motion control set of Bladerunner at EEG](http://www.tamatakahashi.com/images/Tama-Takahashi-motion-control-Bladerunner.png)
Just found this photo. So many years ago! I was working on the motion control set at EEG for the flyovers.
MemberNoobNov-02-2015 4:55 PMThat's really cool mattecam. Thanks for posting this :)
MemberNoobNov-15-2015 10:01 AM![](http://i.imgur.com/DAYM80a.gif)
Yes, really cool is right, Dale. And as you may realize, one never knows who may be following along; unless they post something, or you have winky sharp eyes. This was a fun thread, plus a really good laugh. Also, thanks Dale, you've been intrusmental in making this all very worthwhile.
And thanks for stopping by again, Tama.
Bonus links:
MemberNoobJul-30-2018 12:18 AMI appreciate the offer to the forum for the jacket, directly to fans.
I am learning how to create videos now. Do you know how to do that? It is a really interesting thing. Why didn’t I know it before? I want to show my harvest to the friend, so I followed the tutorials online burn video to DVD that I could play it on TV. It has a nice playback, you can try it...