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Kaiju Blue
MemberNoobJul-30-2013 2:09 PMThe discussion of Predator Vs Terminator led me into a entirely different discussion. Which is the greater tech?
Interstellar Space Travel or Time Travel?
Even more specific Predator Tech or Skynet Tech?
10 Replies

MemberNoobJul-30-2013 2:10 PMTime Travel. Interstellar travel, you just need a lot of fuel. Time travel, you warp the fabric of space and time. SkyNet tech.

Kaiju Blue
MemberNoobJul-30-2013 3:37 PMI would argue that Perfect Time Travel will always be the ultimate weapon in war, since you can keep going back in time previosly to losing a battle and upgrade,
but is skynet tech perfect time travel, it obviosly isnt since skynet is about to be conquered by the humans and john connor,
skynet can't seem to us their TDE as perfect as it could be used other words just go back and kill john on the crapper!
Predators can travel planet to planet and FAST so Im putting my money on Predator ships knocking SkyNet Offline before even entering Earths atmosphere. So the battle would be over before it even begins.

MemberNoobJul-30-2013 4:18 PMAnd then skynet would send a Terminator back time and kill the very first thing that was a preadator. Before all the weapons and just after the Bactria accually decided to form something with a brain.

Kaiju Blue
MemberNoobJul-30-2013 4:24 PMYes if Skynet was perfect and had perfect accuracy, but it IS NOT PERFECT.
again from Terminator wiki on the reliability of the Cyberdyne systems TDE
It is shown in multiple sources that the equipment can have errors, delivering subjects to either the wrong location, the wrong time, or both.
â– The original Script of The Terminator was to show another soldier who travelled with Kyle Reese, but due an mishap in the Time Travel, he materialized died, under the pavement.
â– In the Dark Horse Comics The Terminator: Secondary Objectives, Z000.M is delivered to the right time, but 354 miles off the California coastline.
â– When D810.X and D800.L were deployed simultaneously to Death Valley, yet arrived slightly offset, leading one Terminator to suffer internal errors resulting in the survival of their targets.
â– In the final issue of RoboCop vs. The Terminator, a Terminator accidentally arrives in Earth's prehistory and is immediately squashed by a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
â– In the Dynamite Entertainment crossover Painkiller Jane vs. Terminator, damage to the TDE causes a departing Terminator targeted for Los Angeles 1984 to arrive off target in New York, 2004.
â– In the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles episode "Self Made Man", Myron Stark was accidentally sent to 1920 and had to prepare for and await 2010 for his assigned target.

MemberNoobJul-30-2013 4:31 PMThose are the comics. I mean the movie. And sure, it isn't a perfect system, but like I said before, warping the fabric of time, SkyNet. Being very fuel effecient, Predator.

Kaiju Blue
MemberNoobJul-30-2013 4:34 PMand Skynet would have to download archives about predator prehistory and send a Terminator to a unknown location not on earth which I do not think the TDE has the capablity of doing....and especially not with accuracy, the Terminator would most likely end up just floating in space somewhere at some uncertain time. In addition all this data would have to be downloaded by skynet before a cloaked predator ship disables Skynet and knock it offline, which could happen instantaneously and without the Predator ship even entering earths orbit or making Skynet aware of its presence......... a bunch of disabled metal on earths surface to make lots of knives and spears with advantage Predators

Kaiju Blue
MemberNoobJul-30-2013 4:44 PMIn the Movie Skynet TDE does not have perfect accuracy either, hence my point about killing John or Sarah on the crapper.
With advanced tech: just of the top of my head an electro magnetic pulse weapon, a computer virus, the giant laser from AVP, the mini nuke attached their arm. Weaponry we do not even know the Predators have. a combination of all the above. Or simply just corrupt Skynets systems.

MemberNoobJul-30-2013 4:48 PMHere is something to think about. If they can time travel, then why haven't they looked into the future. I believe that the can. Look into the future, see the predators come and try to kill them, and make a weapons that can kill the predators. Then look into the future again to see if that weapon works. Of not, they could make a better weapon. And they could proceed as necessary.

Kaiju Blue
MemberNoobJul-30-2013 5:00 PMYou have to remain in the confines and characteristics of the actual story. If your asking the above ....then ask Why haven't they killed all the humans yet, because Skynet does not have the capabilities your describing with its TDE.
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