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MemberNoobJul-27-2013 7:53 PM[img][/img]
Look at the Captain Harlock in this trailer of the upcoming 2013 Japanese 3D CG anime film directed by Shinji Aramaki.
This manga follows the titular Captain, an outcast turned space pirate after he rebelled against Earth's Government and mankind's general apathy.
[url=]Captain Harlock 2013 Trailer[/url]
6 Replies

MemberNoobJul-30-2013 5:46 AM[center]
[url=]Space Pirate Captain Harlock[/url] (1978, TV) [url=]Alternate[/url][/center]
It will be fun to finally see this 30-million-$ (US) CG rendition of [url=]Harlock[/url]. Although, I would have preferred to see a retelling of the [url=]original manga/anime[/url], with the [url=]Mazone[/url] as the nemesis. And also done live-action similar to [url=]Space Battleship Yamato[/url] (2010). Unfortunately, the Mazone have been only recently delegated to several sets of [url=]HCG sexploitation[/url] (build-up for the big release). Nevertheless, I do not doubt that this will be one of his best outings to date. It is good to know that someone else here has an appreciation for something from the world of [url=]Leiji Matsumoto[/url] ([url=]news[/url]), or is at least excited to see this upcoming film. I find that many elements from Leiji series have come to pass, & he was far more of a prophet than anyone could ever have known, then.
Bonus links:
[url=]Latest Trailer[/url] (Eng)
[url=]Arcadia over Shibuya[/url]
[url=]First 12 minutes[/url] (Jpn)
[url=]Original Anime Cel Collection[/url]
[url=]Harlock Swag Collection[/url]
Thanks shambs. ^_^

Admin2KOct-21-2013 2:15 PMOMG!! I used to watch that when I was little!! It was called "Albator" in French! In Quebec they played a lot of anime in the mornings for kids. :)

MemberNoobOct-23-2013 3:12 AM[center][img][/img]
Leiji Matsumoto (2013)[/center]
Yes, Leiji has had a very long, and deep love-affair with the French. And of course Canadians, also were able to benefit from this, and see these series. They were broadcasted Canada-wde, on CBC French stations from 1979-1984. The CBC showed both the first series: ALBATOR, le corsaire de l espace (in France, more commonly known as ALBATOR 78), and the second series: ALBATOR 84 (1982). The French dub of the first series differed from the original Japanese with a soundtrack re-score, and also changed character names. However, other than that it was nearly exactly the same, no alterations to the story, nor the episodes (aside from some mild edits to remove nudity).
It is likely the French voice-dubbing was done in Montreal, QC. And the CBC had a larger-hand than previously believed, in the assembly of the French dub. The soundtrack was produced by Eric Charden, of which had a disco-flavour (1978 series). Many fans that watched the original runs in both France, and Canada; proudly consider themselves: La génération Albator.
Leiji series were among the first animated programs in Japan, that prominently featured women characters in lead roles (as well, some of the most memorable). And like Ridley Scott, he loved his Mother dearly, also respects women in general, immensely. There are certainly rights-issues that prevent Leiji from using the [url=]Mazone[/url], along with the original design of the Arcadia, again.
[b]Harlock Wonders Woman by [url=]vladcorail[/url][/b]
More Harlock funnies from him (mostly in French):
[b][url=]Harlock ALIEN Queen[/url]
[url=]Harlock vs. Mazone Queen[/url]
[url=]Mazone seeking boyfriend[/url]
[url=]Spacebabe learns seduction[/url]
[url=]Sweet Torture[/url]
[url=]The Two Queens[/url]
[url=]Harlock meets Amidala[/url]
[url=]Seduction Contest[/url]
[url=]Spacepirate Girlfriend[/url]
[url=]The Comic-Con Panic[/url]
[url=]Fake Harlock[/url]
[url=]Seductive Mazones[/url]
[url=]Harlock Temptation[/url]
[url=]Harlock has Gits hew guts[/url]
[url=]Harlock Crew X-mas in Space[/url]
[url=]Harlock reads adult comics[/url]
[url=]Harlock Wonders Woman[/url]
[url=]Harlock Hill[/url]
[url=]Harlock Royal Bath[/url]
[url=]Harlock Royal Cosplay[/url]
[url=]Harlock meets Spacefreaks[/url]
[url=]Harlock 1997[/url]
[url=]Harlock Lonelyness[/url][/center][/b]
I do not know French myself, but maybe I can type these into Google Translate, sometime. And possibly it will give a result close to the correct meaning; although, many are easy enough to get the general idea, without it.
[b][url=]Matsumoto[/url] statues in [url=]Tsuruga City[/url][/b][/center]
Thanks Svanya + you are welcome, shambs.

Admin2KOct-24-2013 3:34 PM@Sawa; Yup I remember so many Anime from my childhood. I never knew of the French connection, but you are right in Quebec we had tons.
There was Minifee, Candy, Albator, Le Petit Castor, Lady Oscar, Remy, Goldorak and so many others.
[url=][b]ALBATOR-générique[/b][/url]-Ah, memories. :P
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