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MemberNoobJun-20-2013 2:15 PMYou don't see these too often.Its a crew jacket given to crew members of Blade Runner. I'm tempted but I've got to get the O'l visa back to a dull roar.
Its for sale at The Prop Store of London.I won't be surprised to find out that its sold by the time you click on the link...these jackets don't take very long to sell.
[url=]Blade Runner Crew Jacket[/url]
3 Replies

MemberNoobJun-20-2013 2:17 PMHere's a pic of the crew jacket :)

MemberNoobJun-21-2013 8:18 PMFor a Few Dollars More:
[url={E9DFB226-CA19-477F-8608-DBD5F0C49E6F}]Black Crew Jacket (MED)[/url]
[url={665AC0EB-F03D-4A61-B540-FC76886E2C76}]Blaster from mold (1981)[/url]
Thanks djrees56. ^_^

MemberNoobJun-23-2013 10:38 AMThanks Sawa! The jacket in the add you posted looks in much better condition.Its still the original black satin color.
I've contacted "The Cloth Tattoo" company that made the crew jackets.I was informed that the original company is now defunct,but they knew about the Blade Runner crew jacket.
I inquired about having a replica crew jacket made.Dave(who responded)said they can do it.He is currently sourcing the original "base" black satin jacket with silver stitching and the coding used for the Blade Runner emblem and characters beneath it. I'll keep everyone posted.The base jacket is no longer made so I might be going with Dave's best facsimile if he can't find an original jacket.
Here's a link to The Cloth Tattoo: [url=]The Cloth Tattoo[/url]
$20,000 for a cast of the original blaster?? I'm glad I got my $25.00 cap gun from Japan(plus $15.00 shipping) a few years back from really is a cap gun too :)
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