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MemberNoobOct-19-2012 8:48 PMI think it would be interesting to see what some of you would come up with for a BR2 script. For fun come up with a quick rundown of the film and who should be in it...or write a scene you think should be in the film, or a plot...have fun with it.
3 Replies

Admin2KOct-19-2012 10:13 PMWhat a great post! Thank you for starting it Winterallthings! I can't wait to see what people come up with! :D

MemberNoobOct-20-2012 10:39 AM
Opening sequence: Weyland industries chicago branch. A White office, clean well lit. (Weyland) your a hard man to find...(voice) not interested... (Weyland) you haven't heard my offer yet (voice)retired, still not interested.besides you got Gaff have him do your dirty work. (Weyland) he is, but you being you and obviously him being you... (Deckard) exhales on his cigarette, yeah... I thought that would come back to bite Tyrell in the butt (reaches over weylands desk and puts out his cigarette on a stack of his papers)..didn't authorize the dupe though. Scene 2. A field of maize, A spinner sets itself down a hundred yards out from a homely shack, a young lady, legs, niiice legs exits the police vehicle and makes her way silently to the front door. Locked, not a problem, she reaches in to her pocket and removes a sonic emitter...the door now accessible, she enters, shifts through the belongings of the target and then notices a zippo, she pockets it, then moves to the kitchen. She notices a pot on the stove simmering, she sets down on a stool and waits...( insert Ridley Scott's scene here ) after that she exits the back door and strides out with a Weyland manufactured jaw bone. A man leaning against the car is a well groomed man, toothpick in mouth: thats my girl, and here i thought he was gonna rabbit. (Female BR)nahhhh they dont run so well after a 45 pointblank to the face:) (Gaff) wish you'd pack something a little more current. Them antiquated toys of yours gonna run out of rounds, can't blame you for taste though kid.(femaleBR) catch pops (as she tosses the jaw) scan it out, whatcha want for dinner daddyo? (GAFF) how about the White Dragon? SCENE 3: (Weyland) we need you to come back to the city of angels, we've liquidated most of Tyrell's assets...but the nexus 6 seem to be a bit more than i bargained for. The system has been hacked twice in one week through the low end by way of Tyrell's personal codes, codes his niece had access to...she was removed years ago of course, she was a basic with an incept date but you, well the other you, thats another story... athink now

MemberNoobOct-20-2012 8:48 PMBLADE RUNNER 2:
The only solution I see. Now Scott wants (he said recently) to representing Deckard role as an android or Nexus, could be a human but with implants, no pure android, someone who getting older through the years, but human, may have some implants in the past. I can not go into details, as after all this is not in my hand.
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