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Albert West
MemberNoobOct-02-2012 10:33 PMSomethng occured to me while I was discussing whether Deckard was a replicant or human. If we assume that Deckard is a replicant then could other characters be replicants? The question is this: Which characters in Blade Runner are human?
Characters that I have thought about are Holden, Gaff and Bryant..... Could the police force be made up of replicants?
Sounds a bit crazy and on the paranoid side... Has anyone else asked these questions?
5 Replies

Admin2KOct-03-2012 7:37 AMNo it's not paranoia on your part, It's a valid question because supposedly even Tyrell was a replicant.
Click~[url=]Eldon Tyrell from Blade Runner was supposed to be replicant[/url]

MemberNoobOct-03-2012 9:41 AMTooo bad they didn't film that.It wouldn't have effected the rest of the film either.

Albert West
MemberNoobOct-04-2012 2:33 AMThanks for the link Svanya. I agree with you djrees56; it would have been interesting to see how things would have panned out if Scott had gone along with the whole concept story boards of the Tyrell replicant scene.
One character I am curious about is Holden (played by legend Morgan Paull, who sadly passed away this year, God bless him). Even though Holden is seen for just under ten minutes at the beginning of the film, I get a feeling that his looks and demeanor are very similar to Deckards'. Is this coincidental? Maybe my imagination has run a bit wild.

Member2KOct-04-2012 3:35 AMMe too Albert, I've always considered that Holden was a variant of the Deckard replicant. I liked him & wish we could have seen more of him, such as the deleted hospital scenes included in the extras.
Morgan was a very good actor. His beautiful blue eye, with the Hades reflection has become so iconic. Although I've read it wasn't actually his eye!
Gaff was very interesting too, his character originally had much more development, but again ended up being cut. Those scenes could have supported the idea that Deck was a Rep!
As for Gaff I'm not sure, hmm, is he human or not?
Perhaps everyone is a replicant. How would you know if your memories were implanted or real?
Maybe we'll get some answers to these questions in Blade Runner2! ROFL
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Admin2KOct-04-2012 8:36 AM@Albert West; Great question about Holden (Morgan Paul). Yes he looks like Ford and guess what he wasn't originally in the movie, he was only there to screen test the actresses because he looked like Ford so much. You can see the whole thing on the "Dangerous Days; Making Blade Runner" do***entary. He was given the part of Holden later as a thank you from Ridley.
[url=]Holden (Morgan Paul) as Harrison Ford- Screen Test[/url]
[url=]DECKARD & HOLDEN-Deleted Hospital Scene[/url]
@Lone; Gaff is very much a human.
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