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MemberNoobSep-12-2012 7:38 AMKurtwood Smith's portrayal of Clarence Boddicker in the original RoboCop sets the standard for onscreen villains for me.
It was the first movie I saw him in (but I was about 10 when I saw RoboCop for the first time) so I wasn't aware of the incredible range he has as an actor. I mean could his Boddicker be more different to Red Forman from That 70s Show?
You can tell he played the role with real relish too, as he seems to be quite a softly-spoken bloke in real life, and I recall seeing a making-of shortly after RoboCop's release on VHS where in a behind-the-scenes segment as the warehouse scene was being filmed it was revealed that he did a lot of the stunts in that set-up himself. Respect is due.
He's riveting from start to finish in that movie, the slightly tender moments (like when he's chatting up Dick Jones' secretary) only serving to highlight the nastier moments of his character. The part where he says to Murphy that he probably doesn't think he's a very nice guy is also overwhelmingly sinister.
There are far too many dumb villains out there in movieland. What makes a movie interesting is one with depth and identity, as we saw with Boddicker.
3 Replies

MemberNoobSep-13-2012 8:32 PMYes, Kurtwood's performance is classic in my book. Love his unpredictable all-around behavior; ice cold manipulative *******, pure evil and with sudden outbursts. This crazy bastard has no limits, he's the perfect villain in a perfect film.

Co-AdminMemberNoobSep-14-2012 4:28 AM*spits blood* "Just give me my ****en' phone call"
Best. Delivery. Ever.
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberNoobSep-16-2012 9:54 PMCAN YOU FLY, BOBBY?? I think maybe it's not too much to say one of the best villains ever? [img][/img]
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