MemberNoobOct-18-2012 8:28 AMDick!! I'm very disappointed!!, after ed209 virtually oblitorates a board member hahahahahahaha

MemberNoobOct-18-2012 8:30 AMOr Clarences "OOOoooo GUNS! GUNS! GUNS!" he he

MemberNoobSep-10-2012 2:18 PM"Dead or alive your coming with me". Always stuck in my head.
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MemberLegendSep-10-2012 2:35 PMYour Move Creep

Rose Jasmin
MemberNoobSep-11-2012 7:54 AMHave listen a lot of quotes but this one "Dead or alive your coming with me" also always stuck in my head when i watched this movie..
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Co-AdminMemberNoobSep-12-2012 12:56 AM"Come quietly or there will be......... Trouble."
Utterly classic :-D
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberNoobSep-13-2012 8:35 PMClarence to RoboCop: ''Hey you're taking this kinda personal!''
No ****, I wonder why....

MemberNoobSep-16-2012 9:55 PMthank you for your co-operation, I'll buy that for a dollar!, Can you fly, bobby?

MemberNoobOct-19-2012 10:58 PM"bitches leave" always gave me a chuckle for some reason

MemberConversationalistDec-13-2013 2:08 AMCome quietly or there will be trouble !!

MemberConversationalistDec-13-2013 2:09 AMOh sorry someone beat me to it !!
Guy robbing the store : why me !! Why me !!

MemberNoobJul-30-2018 12:31 AM Your Move Creep!hahaha
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