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MemberNoobSep-10-2012 9:30 AMI mean sure who could possibly follow up the original masterpiece? But there is much to love about the two later movies.
Chiefly, and this thread of course started in the 1987 film, the look of the future. It wasn't all flying cars and space travel. It was a 'used' future. Something that we could relate to, about the haves and have nots. Which is pretty much what is happening today, 25 years after Verhoeven's classic.
The way the media is portrayed too was before its time. How many times in the course of a TV news bulletin do you see items on a massacre side-by-side with frivoulous fluff about things that don't really matter? We've become desensitised to violence in the same way that the world in RoboCop has been.
The battle between RoboCop and RoboCop 2 in err...RoboCop 2 is a joy err...too. Much more realistic than the Transformers movies I reckon.
RoboCop 3.... yes it tailed off a bit but it was still worth watching for Rip Torn's unhinged performance. Although 'jetpack RoboCop' jumped any number of sharks.
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