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Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
248 Replies


MemberNoobMar-20-2012 2:37 PM
Hi everybody, I'm been lurking here for quite awhile now. Finally getting the nerve to create a profile and start posting. I've really enjoyed reading up on everyone's theories about the film. I'm a huge fan of all the Alien movies. Well, not so much a fan of Alien Resurrection. Alien is by far my favorite. Another favorite movie of mine is Ridley's Blade Runner. Like everyone else here I can't wait to see Prometheus. I want to give a shout out to any other ladies that are here. Are there any?


MemberNoobMar-20-2012 2:46 PM
Yep,I can count myself as a female. I have never introduced myself, so.. Hey! I'm Ruth (as you can see). I can't remember how I found this site, but when I did, I got really interested and started reading everything here. And then decided to join you all and start discussing! I'm much much younger than you all probably are (I guess), but I've been a fan of Alien and other space/horror/etc stories since my childhood. Thanks to my parents. And yes, English is my second language, so sorry for the mistakes!

/ | | | \

MemberNoobMar-20-2012 3:05 PM
Greetings everyone. I have been a fan of ALIEN ever since it came out on theateres back in 1979. I saw it for the first time somtime in 1980 when a BETAMAX copy turned up in my house. It was a copy of a copy so it was terribly grainy. I must have been 8 or 9 years old at the time. It stimulated my imagination in ways 'Star Wars' (or 'Close Encounters' for that matter) never did. For me, nothing can top the original; but I do like all four chapters in the alien quartet. Cheers!


MemberNoobMar-20-2012 3:11 PM
Hi! I am a lung fluke, more formally known as Paragonimus Kellicotti. I cause pneumonia. AND...wait for it...I'm a chick. I have been a sci fi geek since grade school. Mostly influenced by my Dad, who brought me to see some movies at an inappropriately young age. The first one I remember was Event Horizon, and I was in seventh grade; you'd think I wouldn't touch sci-fi with a ten foot pole after that. Instead I was addicted. I love the way these films don't even need to do much to frighten us. While there are your typical horror-film-like-moments (i.e. scary music+slow camera movements+cats moving at inappropriate moments); but those moments aren't even necessary because at the heart of it all, the most frightening thing is the fact that we are insignificant. We have the power thought, we have complex emotions, but there is a whole universe out there that doesn't care we exist. AND WE DON"T EVEN KNOW WHERE IT ENDS! (or what's out there) If we were allowed to throw out profanity on this site I would write how *%)@*#(#(@()@)@)@ excited I am for this movie!!! P.S. I want a t-shirt! I graduate professional school on the day it comes out and I would totally wear it under my robes!


MemberNoobMar-20-2012 3:14 PM

Dark Energy

MemberNoobMar-20-2012 5:20 PM
Hello everyone. I am really excited to see this movie. I'm sure all of you are too. I think I've isolated a pic of the space jockey from the latest trailer. I'll post it as soon as I figure out how to.


MemberNoobMar-20-2012 7:22 PM
Hi this is Prometheus707. Please check my avatar and you will see space jockeys from this H.R. Giger. Pic from the 1970's


MemberNoobMar-20-2012 7:23 PM
Check my avatar from H.R. COLLECTION. In fact is some sort of space suites but like biorganism included.


MemberNoobMar-20-2012 7:32 PM
Hi..Getting excited.(I am!)..Can remember queing 'round the cinema when the first movie came out, yes I'm that old. So looking forward to exploring the "space Jockey" mythos this time around.


MemberNoobMar-20-2012 10:20 PM
Hi everyone! I'm newbie and this is my first post, I'm sure this film will be amazing, congratulations and thanks a lot to all who make this forum possible. Greetings from México... I'll go into hypersleep and wake up to June :)


MemberNoobMar-21-2012 12:03 AM
Hello everybody! Great to know that there are so many of us out there that are crazy about Ridley Scott's work.I for one cannot wait till opening night for the film and will probably camp out a couple of days before the show hits. I am a collector and cannot wait for the NECO products that will be available.In a nut shell this is what I think the movie will be about(My Opinion). We try to terra-form a planet,find evil bio-mech creatures highly advanced with a passion for Earth's natural resources and Human DNA.My favorite character is "Dallas" and all I can say is this is this film may change Sci-fi movies forever like "ALIEN" did.Anyway Goodnight Nostromo wherever your pieces are from Central Texas!


MemberNoobMar-21-2012 12:50 AM
Hi everyone! Ive been reading and writing to this forum since september i think, and I love this community and excitement that we share. And I hope it continues on even after THE MOVIE is released :) Must have been 9 or 10 when i saw Alien first, and its the greatest movie for me too. The other one on par with that is Contact. Im Hungarian guy, living in New York. Peace to all ;)


MemberNoobMar-21-2012 6:48 AM
Hello everyone, I am CAVX. Pretty excited to learn (hopefully) answers to many questions raised since 1979. The original ALIEN is IMO still one of the best Sci-Fi/Horror films ever made and I am so glad R. Scott is charge of this project.


MemberNoobMar-21-2012 12:08 PM
Greetings from Colombia!! I'm staring to feel a bit obsessed about this movie, hope is worth it. To be honest I don't like to read about what the movie is gonna be, it may ruin the movie for me, but i just can't help it. Anyway, thanks for this amazing site!!


MemberNoobMar-21-2012 12:49 PM
Hi everyone, I've been lurking around here since xmas so thought it was time that I got involved! Stating the obvious here, but the sooner that June comes the better!

Ryan Russell

MemberNoobMar-21-2012 1:01 PM
Hello everyone! I have seen and love every Alien film. When I found out that there would be Prequel I was so excited, so when the new trailer came out I almost died in happiness! So I joined here to find out more awesome news about Prometheus. Look's like it's going to be a great movie!


MemberNoobMar-21-2012 2:24 PM
Looking forward to this movie and since the 80's haven't been since. I'm sorta an undercover Sci-Fi geek, always drawing futuristic machines and such when I was young, not so much now.


MemberNoobMar-21-2012 2:59 PM
Hi everyone! Thanks for this website and forum: they are like alien-wonderland to me.


MemberNoobMar-21-2012 5:06 PM
Hi All, I'm so excited about PROMETHEUS. This time - I'll be allowed to go and see it! John --------------- [url=][/url]


MemberNoobMar-21-2012 6:00 PM
Hey Ruth and Kellicotti! Good to know there's some other chicks up in here. BTW Ruth I didn't notice any mistakes in your post.


MemberNoobMar-21-2012 6:17 PM
Hi all, I've been a fan of the original since I saw it at the drive-in as a boy. It scared yet fascinated me intensely and has become my all-time favorite movie. It's great to see so many like-minded people here anticipating Prometheus and discussing the original. Thanks for putting up a great sight! J

you"ll get whatever is coming to you

MemberNoobMar-21-2012 6:59 PM
does anyone noteiced the "mural" where you can perfectly see the form of an alien queen as if its embeded to the wall in on of the shot?


MemberNoobMar-21-2012 8:16 PM
Arcane Radio checking in. long time fan of the movies. I'm so glad the 5th movie is Weaverless. It was getting old. Time for new characters and new situations.


MemberNoobMar-21-2012 8:50 PM
Hi there, Im a huge fan of the Alien franchise, and Predator franchice (though not the AvP franchise!). I think the first time I saw Alien was when I was 4 - not the best bed-time viewing for a young kid lol. Also used to be a hardcore AvP gamer. I've been anticipating something from Sir Scott for a while now, and looks like he definitely wont disappoint :). I think Ridley s one of the best directors out there and Im a great fan of his other works too - Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven, etc etc


MemberNoobMar-22-2012 12:24 AM
Hi all! Alien and AlienS fan here requesting permission to board. Just saw those two movies recently, and man do they still hold up today. Hey, does this mean James Cameron will be making PrometheusES? (tudug-dish!)


MemberNoobMar-22-2012 3:46 AM
Hi all, I guess I'm just your average middle aged fan boy, since being scared senseless by O'Bannon's/Giger's/Scott's collective story/design/vision since the late '70s. Like everyone else, I'm greatly anticipating this movie's release and hope it lives up to everyones expectations...


MemberNoobMar-22-2012 12:23 PM


MemberNoobMar-22-2012 3:40 PM
Hello, I saw Aliens first and the scene in which Ripley has her nightmare scared the crap out of me. I was hooked. I sat down and watched Alien and the nightmares began. I remember my parents taking me to see Alien3, I was so excited and then disappointed with it when Newt and Hicks didn't make it through the opening credits. I don't even want to discuss Ressurection. I now have a Xeno tattooed on my right lower leg and cannot wait for this film to open! The theories that are tossed around on this site are amazing, so entertaining. I really want the claxon/ scream sound from the trailers as my ringtone!


MemberNoobMar-22-2012 5:44 PM

mr frosty

MemberNoobMar-22-2012 6:33 PM
Hi there! Mr Frosty here, I am a long time Alien fan and have been looking forward to the Prometheus film for ages. I own all the films with their directors cuts, all the PC video games and also collected a lot of the comic books when I was a nipper. I am really excited about what the new film is going to show us about the backstory of the Alien universe. Glad to be here...
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