Did Dinosaurs Really ROAR?

I know this isn't an end all answer, but lets look at current animals that are similar:

Birds- Birds do not roar or growl, but they do make caws, screeches, ans chirps.  Most of these sounds however are meant to communicate with other birds and are hardly aggressive.  Perhaps a larger animal would make a deeper sound more like a roar, but that doesn't hold true with emus and ostriches.

Reptiles-  Generally, reptiles are very silent creatures aside from an occasional hiss.  If the dinosaurs are truly relatives of reptiles, I would doubt them roaring.

Crocodiles/alligators-  Once again, we are looking at an animal that mostly does a hiss.  However, these two creatures do have a low grumble that is similar to a gowl but it pales in comparison to an outright roar such as the JP T-Rex.


I would conclude that it is most likely in-between these animals.  I would guess that most of the time, the sounds made by these animals would be hisses with the occasional grunt to communicate with their own kind.  Of course, this is just an educated guess and theropod dinosaurs very well may be completely different than any animal we know of today.

Top 10 Star Wars Moments

Pretty good list.  I would add Han shooting Greedo to the list as well!

rexy vs chicken walker

I would have to go with the AT-ST. My first reason is the same as Rex Fan's, the AT-ST could shoot the rex before he even knew it. My second reason is that animals just do not know how to fight machines. Sure, if rex could find a way to knock over the AT-ST then it would "win" the fight. The problem is, animals do not know the things we know, rex very well may first try to bite the AT-ST which would be a mistake and make it a big target. So, I choose AT-ST.

Star Wars: The 414th Coming Soon!

Is Commander Trex's name in any relation to Captain Rex (like trained together or something)?

Your Favorite T.rex Specimen

I hear ya, I looked into it as well but it just wasn't very practical.  It is a fun hobby though, it keeps ya thinking.

Your Favorite T.rex Specimen

That'll be neat.  Are you going in to paleontology after high school?

Your Favorite T.rex Specimen

Awesome!  You will love it!  I've seen a lot of Dino collections and, so far, the Field museum has been the best.

Your Favorite T.rex Specimen

Living in Northern Indiana and being a quick 2.5 hr drive from Chicago, it has to be Sue for me.  She is the most famous T-Rex for a reason!  I always grew up loving Dino's, but I never got to go to the field museum until I was 18 years old (I haven't always lived in Indiana) and ever since, it has been my favorite museum!

I highly recommend going to any Dino fan, I mean, there's 26,000 sq ft of Dinosaurs there!  Sue alone is nearly worth the trip, you can stand there and just stare forever at how amazing a creature T-rex was.

Okay, I'm done haha.  I just had to relive my kiddo days for a second.

Top 10 Dinosaur Movies

Nice list.  I would also add The Lost World (1925), old but still a fun movie to watch, and Peter Jacksons King Kong (2005), has some pretty good Dino scenes in it (I know, V-Rex isn't a real Dino).

Honorable mention could also be Land of The Lost (2009), it was a comedy but also had a few good Dinos such as T-Rex, Allosaurus, and Compys.  Hadrosaurs are mentioned also but do not get shown.

Random Fight: Tyrannosaurus Rex vs ?

Yeah, like I said, if its not a full on break then it could heal.  Sue's breaks were fractures, so yeah, those can heal.

Random Fight: Tyrannosaurus Rex vs ?

I don't usually get in to the fight stories, but this one was very entertaining.  Good grammar and a fun story. Great job!

I gotta point out one thing though.  If the T-rex truly broke his leg, he would die anyways.  Animals in the wild (even some in captivity) do not survive with a broken leg, unless you mean it was a small fracture (even then he may not make it).  Especially large animals struggle with this.

SW Memes I Made

It happened multiple times, but if I remember right, the most noticeable time was in General Grievous's fortress. Pretty much they are running through the halls destroying droids left and right and then like five droids surround them and they stand down haha. Not really a big deal, but it was kinda funny when I noticed it.

SW Memes I Made

The last one makes me think of how on the show, they destroy hundreds(thousands?) of droids on their missions, but all of the sudden they get surrounded by five and stand down lol. I never quite understood that haha.

Top 10 Most Lethal Dinosaurs

Cool list!

I liked how you gave Giga some respect as a dominant predator.  I feel that it sometimes takes a backseat to the Spino and Rex debates, but Giga is just as formidable an opponent.

More Jurassic World at Las Vegas Licensing Expo!

Not really sure what people mean about "darker tone" when looking at these pictures.  Clearly, these are just things that will be in the park.  It looks just like the type of signs you would see in a Disney World or Universal Studios.  The signs even say the events they are advertising.  Did you expect the park to have a "dark" tone?

Random Fight: Spinosaurus vs Sarchosuchus

Cool fight!  I was rooting for Sarc though.  Keep up the goo work!


Oh, and P.S.- Crocs can go months without eating a meal, so two weeks probably wouldn't have been that long for a Sarc to go without eating.

Hey guys what should i get first Soccer cleats of the SHMA G14

Yeah, going cheap on cleats is a bad move.  You can hurt yourself or they just fall apart really quickly and you don't get your moneys worth.

Jurassic Park III

I personally thought the worst example of all 3 JP movies of making the Dino's into monsters was in JP 2.  The entire San Diego scene basically made the T-Rex into a Godzilla-like monster.  In all reality, when a wild animal see's a town, it doesn't invade it and kill everything in its path, it would go the opposite way.

I would at least give JP 3 credit that they left the dino's in their natural habitat and you could at least assume that they were just being territorial.  Animals don't just go barreling through civilization, I don't even think the mighty T-Rex would have.

Leaks aren't really the fans fault.

@Something Real- Although I do agree with you, there is one thing you can't avoid.  If you enjoy talking on forums such as this, it is impossible to not accidentally hear leaked information.  Heck, I think I have heard of half of the leaks through comments.

Personally, I have never had a leak completely ruin a movie.  Just as Paden said, in the end, it is the director and his teams responsibility to control what information "leaks" and what doesn't.

Star Wars Spinoff TV Series?

Can't argue with that. I agree that it would have to have strategic timing to makea show. I'm okay with a movie or a show, but I felt the show was an interesting avenue to look at.


Whoa guys, things are getting a little heated on this thread.  What needs to be remembered here, is that most of the things we "know" about these dinos are purely theoretical.  No matter how ridiculous a theory is, people are entitled to that theory.  And if you do not like it or disagree, just refuse to comment.

Lets try to keep the name calling and attacks off of these threads.  SciFied is here for fun, not stress.

What if...

Sauroposeiden with a T-rex head?

Preserved Ichthyosaur Fossils Found Below Melting Glacier!

Awesome!  Too bad they can't find a perfectly preserved Rex in the ice!

If you could visit one area in the park, which one would it be?

T-Rex Kingdom hands down.

Mosasaur would be pretty sweet though.  Close second.


Maybe they ate trees trunks.....

Velociraptor concept art!

It would be funny if we found out that Velociraptor could "fly" sorta like a chicken!

Oh, and great job on the art!

Dinosaurs of Your Birth Year


Well in 1992 they discovered the most complete Stegosaurus skeleton ever found.  So, I guess I've got that.

Top 10 Saddest Clone Trooper Deaths

Interesting list.  Plo Koon would be proud haha.

My personal one would be Hevy's death.  I felt that episode was one of the best ones as far as giving you a feel of the comradery between the clones.

Is it wise for Legendary to release all these clips even though the movie's a month away?

Okay, the word majority means the most out of a group of people.  Godzilla 2014 is marketing on commercials and millions of people have seen the tv version of the trailer.  I don't have the exact statistics but I would wager that MOST people that have seen the commercial did not look at the details.  And that was all I was saying.  I don't understand why you took this as so offensive.

Anyways, I don't want to keep this going because I never posted to start an argument.  I simply was answering the question based off of my opinion and experiences with what people have been saying.  I am sorry if in some way I offended you with my comment.

Have a good one. 

Is it wise for Legendary to release all these clips even though the movie's a month away?

@Destroyah-X- I don't understand why you persist on this "you are acting like you are smarter" thing.  All I'm saying is that a lot of people do not care to look into the details.  Why is that so hard to believe?  It has nothing to do with being smart...

I have nothing wrong with people not being a hardcore fan.  Hell, I am not a hardcore Godzilla fan, the only reason I follow is because I enjoy it and I am a member or Scified.  I'm simply stating what I have experienced from people.  I know quite a few people that did not notice the MUTO and did not take the time to pause the trailer.  And who cares?  The question on the forum was if they showed too much and I asnwered that most people have not noticed what is being shown on this site.

And let me make this crystal clear for you (because you are having trouble understanding this), it has absolutley nothing to do with that persons IQ and I have no problem that some people have not taken notice to the MUTO.  It was a simple observation of what the people around me that have seen the trailer say.

Is it wise for Legendary to release all these clips even though the movie's a month away?


I never once said the general audience is dumb nor do they not have the ability to take screen shots.  My point is, that most people are not looking for those tiny details.  Honestly, if you just watch the trailer and are not really paying attention to the specifics, you can easily miss the MUTO.

I have talked to multiple people that want to see the movie but are not necassarily huge fans and they didn't notice the MUTO.  Why would people other than hardcore fans take the time to take screen shots and pause to try to find little details in a trailer?

Is it wise for Legendary to release all these clips even though the movie's a month away?

Honestly, they really haven't shown that much.  Most of the trailers that have been released have the same footage on each of them except for a few differences here and there.  And most of the things that they have "shown" were very brief and you would have to dissect it to notice the details (which is done on this website).  To the common viewer of the trailers and commercials, you see nearly nothing given away.  In fact, I would wager that the majority of people that have seen the commercials and trailers haven't even seen the MUTO, let alone knows it exists.

Lets Discuss: Villain In Star Wars Ep. 7?

Darth Caedus would be cool.  Krayt could be for the future though.

Favorite Star Wars Planet?

Haha I didn't even catch that one!

Favorite Star Wars Planet?

It's called Hoth.  Definitely a cool planet.

Why it would be a good thing if starwars 7 was rated PG

You have to consider though that the rating system was much different back then.  For example, Airplane (which was made around the same time) was PG even though it showed nudity.  Airplane would instantly be given an R-rating nowadays.

Lets Discuss: Villain In Star Wars Ep. 7?

Haha there is always a silver lining!  I'm really excited to see the new stories of the EU that come from the new movie. 

Dinosaurs In Your Own Backyard

Oh, and Paden, you have the worlds largest Dinosaur living fifteen minutes away from you! Haha

Dinosaurs In Your Own Backyard

I live in Indiana where no dinosaur bones have been found :(

Lets Discuss: Villain In Star Wars Ep. 7?

I agree.  I wish they had made General Grievous a bigger character.  He easily could have been more of the Darth Vader role and Dooku and the Emperor could have been more of the "executive" bad guys if you will.

Lets Discuss: Villain In Star Wars Ep. 7?

An intimidating villain is all I ask for!

Lets Discuss: Villain In Star Wars Ep. 7?

Krayt would definitely be cool.  He has that scare factor for sure.

The Top 15 Most Iconic Scenes In The JP Trilogy

I like how the pic that you put of Rex vs. Spino has Rex grabbing Spino's neck!  I see what you did there ;)

Top 10 Star Wars Alien Monsters

@NerfHerder, that would be cool!  Maybe the criminal underground of Tatooine will hold monster fights that people bet on and it will be on Ep. 7!

Favorite Star Wars Planet?

NerfHerder, I like your angle haha.  Endor does seem like quite the relaxing place.

Favorite Star Wars Planet?

Brett, don't be worried about being called a "bandwagoner" because Tatooine is too awesome to ignore haha.  I had to add it just because of the overall importance and great stories that Tatooine has brought the SW franchise.

Rex, I almost put Kashyyk on there!  It was a tough decision.  Kamino is a really interesting planet too.

Stop with fanboy wars

Well, I don't think its even saying that there has to be "scientific" evidence because there can be two theories that are both backed up by "science".  Overall, there just has to be a respect of everybody's opinion because, the truth is, we do not really know much about these creatures.  We can never be 100% sure that a dino acted this way or that unless we see one alive.  Sure, we can make educated guesses based off of the evidence that we have but they are still just theories.  Like I said, everybody just needs to respect each others opinions because it is all theoretical.  Unless it is something like triceratops having horns, which was stated in an earlier post.

Favorite Star Wars Planet?

Yeah, thats why I added Tatooine as the most interesting planet.  It just has so much going on, and like you said, its just a classic of the SW series.

Awesome Rancor Fan Art!

I can't agree more with you.  Seeing one take on an AT-ST would be a great battle!

the 3-d experience

Yeah, my friends and I are already planning on going to see it in IMAX 3D so that we see it with the best experience possible.  I think this movie is perfect for utilizing the IMAX 3D technology due to the massive destruction and monsters.