What would happen if the Venom Symbiote was ever unleashed on an Alien Xenomorph? Well, we can safely assume the result would probably lead to the extinction of all Humankind and the Avengers would probably be wishing Thanos was their only issue to deal with. Artist Raph Lomotan must have been wondering what this joining of alien species would look like as well, because he created a pretty phenomenal piece of fan art depicting just that. Below is his Venomorph. Imagine a full Hive full of these?! check it out:
Visit his ArtStation page for more amazing artwork! Thanks to Alex Valdez for the heads up!
About the Venom: The Last Dance movie

Venom: The Last Dance October 25th, 2024
Official plot synopsis for Venom 3 has yet to be revealed.
Directed by Kelly Marcel, Venom: The Last Dance's release date is October 25th, 2024.
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