The Top Science Fiction Video Games Of All Time
Scified2019-10-17 17:36:59
Written by Chris5,750 Reads15 Comments2019-10-17 17:36:59

Whilst the world of science fiction is usually referenced and seen in the world of film, it’s certainly made its fair share of dents in the video gaming sector as well. A scene that is worth more than the music and film sectors put together, it’s no wonder the genre has been targeting more and more releases over the past few years. 

Titles such as No Man’s Sky and the incoming CyberPunk 2077 have generated more hype in the gaming community than most other high-profile releases, showcasing just how hand-in-hand these two worlds are going to become as further releases are launched. 

Here is our definitive list on the absolute best science fiction video games of all time. 

Half-Life 2

So good that is has spawned an ironically beloved internet meme for much of the 2010s, Half Life 2 is one of the few games in Valve’s extensive Steam library to boast a full 10/10 rating. With a $40 million, five year long development plan, Half-Life 2 follows the story of physicist Gordon Freeman as he desperately fights hordes of the alien species known as the Combine to try and salvage humanity. 

Half-Life 2 is the ultimate gamer’s game. Bringing together the worlds of science fiction and first person shooting, Half-Life introduces all manner of features and additions that no one in the gaming world had ever seen before. From the infamous gravity gun, to its beautiful attention the game’s world, it’s a title that still invokes a warm reception from any self-respecting gaming fan to this day. 

Fallout 3

Whilst we might be leaning with our nostalgia head on this one, we still think Fallout 3 is the best addition to the Fallout series. The game that really kicked off Fallout’s famous post-apocalyptic, retro 1950s look, the rest of the Fallout series owes more than people realise to this release. Overtaking The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion as Bethesda’s best selling title, Fallout 3’s sales were matched only by the critical acclaim generated from its reviewers and fans alike. 

Once again taking place after a nuclear war, the game is legendary for its extensive character creation, variety in levelling upgrades and that Bethesda-guaranteed gorgeous world design. 


If Blizzard’s ‘World of Warcraft’ series is the king of the fantasy genre, then ‘StarCraft’ is the titan of science fiction. Set during the 25th century in the (fictional) part of the Milky Way known as the Koprulu Sector, StarCraft is the ultimate real-time strategy title. With its scaling AI difficulty, resource management and extensive ways of utilising the game’s three distinct races, StarCraft revolutionised the way strategy games were set up forever. 

StarCraft’s multiplayer mode has continued to draw players in from around the world, and its extensive amounts of strategy and planning make it hugely popular in the world of Esports. StarCraft is a perfect example of a near-flawless title exceeding all expectations, but also as a title that has enjoyed years of longevity purely from the quality of its gameplay. You can’t help but feel a lot of titles released today would do well to learn from the likes of StarCraft. 

Space Invaders

Not only would it not be factually correct to not include Space Invaders in a list of the world’s greatest science fiction games, but it would just feel wrong. After all, very few pieces of entertainment can say they have had the cultural impact that Space Invaders has since its release in 1978. Instantly recognisable to millions of people around the world, Space Invaders is the game that kicked everything off. 

With its vintage retro look and arcade-levels of addictive gameplay, it’s unsurprising to see that Space Invaders is still pulling in millions of players from across the world even now.

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Member2KOct-17-2019 6:59 PM

Half-Life 1 and 2

Aliens versus Predator 2 and its Expansion Primal Hunt

Jurassic Park's Trespasser

Starcraft 1 and 2

Halo series




MemberLegendOct-17-2019 7:05 PM

HL2 deserves its spot!

I think Bioshock and Dead Space deserve some props as well.


Member2KOct-17-2019 7:29 PM

Yeah I love Half-Life 2 but Half-Life 1 is where my heart belongs, i remember wasting hours downloading and playing a butt ton of mods with the first game. USS DARKSTAR, THEY HUNGER, CTHULHU, WANTED!, REDEMPTION, MASTER SWORD, and ACTION HALF-LIFE


MemberRespectedOct-17-2019 7:49 PM

Jurassic Park Operation Genesis

The Lost World Warpath

Jurassic World Evolution

Godzilla 2015


As you can tell... the games I play are usually Dinosaur related... with some Godzilla sprinkled in...


MemberLegendOct-17-2019 8:23 PM

TheLazyFish I tried Dino Crisis for the PS way back but never finished. It was kind of like Resident Evil with dinosaurs. Not a bad game for its time.


Member2KOct-17-2019 8:48 PM

Oh I forgot about Dino Crisis, yeah I remember when that game was being avertized at Electronic Boutique before it was released.


MemberRespectedOct-17-2019 9:10 PM

God I loved that game. The second one had less of the horror aspect I loved, but was better in some other aspects, so I like it a lot too. 3 I never played, but watched some game play... not too interesting to me.


Member2KOct-17-2019 9:24 PM

Yeah Dino Crisis 3 was like what the hell


MemberRespectedOct-17-2019 9:33 PM

And one of those hybrids apparently had Spinosaurus DNA, but it was never introduced to the franchise... why not just make it a normal Dino Crisis game where the Giga, a huge Rex, and a Spino all duke it out in an epic finale?


MemberLegendOct-17-2019 10:02 PM

Portal and Portal 2 were great sci fi games with a fresh premise. I don't think there was anything quite like those games. 

Odd World Abe's Exodus was a good original game too.


Member2KOct-17-2019 10:35 PM

Starcraft 1 & 2 #1

Mass Effect trilogy #2

Dead Space trilogy #3

Gears of War series #4 



Honourable mentions to the some nostalgic classic

Perfect Dark

Mechwarrior 2

The original AVP

Duke Nukem 

Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy 


MemberLegendOct-17-2019 10:49 PM

I forgot about Perfect Dark. Another PS2 game that didn't seem to get the props it deserved was Area 51. 


Member2KOct-18-2019 12:32 PM

Oh yeah Duke Nukem, I remember passing that game like ... bunch of times as an early teenagers.


MemberContributorOct-19-2019 6:10 AM

Fallout 3 the greatest of the series? Have the editors even played them all? If anything it is responsible of dumb-ing down of it all for mass consumption, with 0 ambiguity or interesting story. Ultimately it lead to Fallout 76, what a great legacy indeed.


MemberLegendOct-24-2019 9:03 PM

 I would include Resident Evil 1-4 including Code Veronica. They started out as current day with zombies but morphed into sci fi later in the games with secret high tech labs with a lot of experiments and such. As high tech as the games became, it was funny to still find those potted plants "herbs" in a high tech security control room.

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