The Force Awakens wins big at the Saturn Awards
Scified2016-06-24 11:17:58
Written by David Gelmini3,923 Reads18 Comments2016-06-24 11:17:58

The 42nd Saturn Award ceremony was held in Burbank on June 22, and The Force Awakens struck gold.

It may not have won any Oscars, but we're proud that Star Wars - Episode VII took home no fewer than eight awards from the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, including Best Science Fiction Film, Best Writing, Best Actor for Harrison Ford, and Best Supporting Actor for Adam Driver.

It was also nice to see Crimson Peak getting its dues despite being a financial flop. It won for Best Horror Film, Best Actress' for Jessica Chastain, and Best Production Design. 


Check out the Saturn Award website for the full list of winners and nominees.

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Member2KJun-24-2016 5:36 PM

Jurassic World should of won that

I Meme Everything

Member2KJun-24-2016 5:44 PM

^Jurassic World is flawed as ****.  Star Wars is a masterpiece.


Member2KJun-25-2016 12:14 AM

The Force Awaken was a fanservice movie with a Mary Sue lead character and ripped the back bone of its plot from A New Hope.

Some things didn't freaking add up in The Force Awakens like since when did Force Wielders read minds, in the original movies (+ prequels) it was search your feelings never "I steal infomation out of your head", not even Darth Vader had those powers and he was the force incarnate.

Storm Trooper suddenly growing a conscience despite being raised from birth and condition to follow orders and then having no problem murdering his former Storm Trooper brethren.

The New Death Star having the same weakness as the old death star. 

The Republic hasn't freaking did anything to prevent the First order from forming, the resistance sounds like a poor attempt to copy the Rebel Alliance without being the rebel alliance. There should of been the New Republic Fleet by now.

Calling a Strafe a Bombing run, when you use your aircraft/spacecraft's guns you call it a strafe not a bombing run. Bombing runs is when you actually use bombs or its sci-fi equivalents.

Millennium Falcon was able to by pass shields generator's shield via warp which in the original movies would of crushed the Millennium Falcon.

Rey by passing the ship's system by tearing out wires, that is not by passing thats pulling out wires.

Kylo Ren surviving a lightsaber cut to the face, the way Rey cut his face looked like it cut in deep.

Fynn surviving a lightsaber gash to the spine, seriously it seems the lightsabers lost its cutting potency.

Kylo Ren telling an insubordinate pilot to bow only to drop to his level as an equal to talk to said resistance pilot, super ineffective villian.

How the republic was literally next door to Star Killer's base was absolutely asinine. 

The dialogue was terrible, "The Heroes of the republic I thought they were a myth!" its only been 30 years and the republic before getting destroyed by *cough* Death Star III *cough* Starkiller base. That would be like saying "I thought President Bill Clinton was a myth" despite not been in office for roughly 20 years.


Member2KJun-25-2016 12:43 AM

 As for Jurassic World, sure it had its flaw but at least it didn't contradict Jurassic Park. Now before you call Jurassic World a remake to Jurassic Park heres some major differences.

Yeah sure they were on the same Island and yes they had a Park but the two Movies were vastly different. In Jurassic Park, the Park was unfinished and had an endorsement team to test out the park before it was released to the public due to the events in the Film's opening where Jophery was eaten by the recently transported Velociraptor called the Big One. 

Jurassic World was a fully operational park with actual vistors and working attractions, with opening a new attraction the experimental hybrids (which secretly was designed to be a potential weapon)

Jurassic Park's human villian (Dennis Nedry) was a mole from another Company to steal Dinosaur embryos but to do this he had to sabotage the power to the park to make his escape.

Jurassic World's human villian (Hoskins) was secretly dealing with Dr. Wu to make a hybrid dinosaur weapon.

In Jurassic Park, The resident Big Dinosaur was Rexy the Tyrannosaurus and she mostly happened upon the humans during her huntings rather than constantly hunting them out.

Jurassic World the resident big Dinosaurs is a hybrid that mixed of Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Therizinosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Rugops, Majungasaurus, Carnotaurus, cuttlefish, tree frog, and death adder. It was more of an active threat to the main characters than Rexy was in the first film.

In Jurassic Park, the ending's conclusion was merely a happy accident.

In Jurassic World, the ending was an all out attack on Indominus rex by use of Owen's remaining raptors, releasing Rexy, and the surprised rescue of the Mosasaurus which doesn't count as a dinosaur since its closely related to snakes and lizards (Dinosaurs are stem birds and their closest living reptilian relative are the Crocodilians).


Jurassic Park being the first entry of the series was about the wonders of resurrecting the dinosaurs via genetic engineering and cloning and the dream of building a zoological theme park for the whole world to see these animals.

Jurassic World achieved in doing just that but with more advanced technology and grew from the experiences of the previous movies but then the executives of the park grew greedy and wanted to add something new, a more scarier dinosaur, more teeth.

I Meme Everything

Member2KJun-25-2016 2:08 AM

^I don't think it's a remake of Jurassic Park, but it has more flaws than Force Awakens, such as:

Training Raptors.  It takes thousands of years to domesticate animals, and they already somewhat listen to Owen!  And the concept is just stupid.


The idea of militarized dinosaurs.  They'll just eat everyone, not just the enemy.  Also, they're probably going to get blown to bits by today's technology.


The characters did some incredibly stupid things.  Owen going inside the Indominus Rex paddock, Simon Masrani going in a helicopter to kill the I-Rex, not going after the I-Rex with lethal weapons (one rifle's not gonna kill her.  She took a ****ing RPG!)


Gray worrying about his parents' divorce.


The Mosasaurus knowing that the I-Rex was right outside her tank.


Member2KJun-25-2016 4:42 AM

1. Domestication doesn't take thousands of years since the Russians just domesticated the fox years ago. Also in the backstory to Jurassic World they went through several generations of Raptors before the current "litter"

2. It was hinted that Hoskins didn't really have a grip on reality, he just saw what he wanted and he was proven wrong in the end.

3. Humans do stupid things in real-life and to Owen's knowledge the Indominus rex left the cage.

4. Yeah so, its human to do that too.

5. She probably could feel the vibrations from outside inside her tank or could of poked her head up and spotted the indominus rex prior to leaping out and grabbed her. Because thats what modern crocodiles do.

Now you try defending Force Awakens.


MemberInitiateJun-25-2016 5:38 AM

Glad Harrison Ford got his well earned reward. Dude literally stole the show everytime he was on screen.


Wouldn't go so far as to call the film a masterpiece though, and the reward for best science fiction probably was a toss up between this and JW. I personally found SW:TFA the better of the two, but I'm a much bigger fan of Star Wars than Jurassic Park.

I Meme Everything

Member2KJun-25-2016 6:50 AM

@Xenotaris: Yeah...Hoskins was a weak villain

@Durp004: I found TFA to be better than JW even though I'm more of a JP fan


Member2KJun-25-2016 7:00 AM

I am a colossal Star Wars fan, and I much prefer JW to TFA. Everything Xenotaris listed was perfect, the movie was just, bad.


MemberInitiateJun-25-2016 7:26 AM

Well if you wanna get past some of the nitpicky things I think you could debate some of those points.


Granted some are spot on, but others...not so much

I Meme Everything

Member2KJun-25-2016 7:39 AM

@Xenotaris: Regarding your comment about domesticating foxes, those are animals we've co-existed with for quite a long time.  Why would Raptors that are a few years old listen to humans?


Member2KJun-25-2016 7:19 PM

@Lord Tyrant: Simple, extensive genetic manipulation to make them less aggressive but also they imprinted themselves on Owen. 


Member2KJun-26-2016 7:52 AM

 Also Owen's Raptors are as much domesticated as Killer Whales at Seaworld, or lions and tigers at a circus.


MemberInitiateJun-26-2016 8:31 AM

Can I ask why training raptors is such a big issue? In a world they can completely engineer a dinosaur and incorporate all the traits they want in it I don't see why breeding less aggressive raptors is that much of a stretch.

I mean I'm not a fan of this because the raptors are arguably the main antagonists of JP in my eyes and to have their role switch doesn't sit well with me, even if they paint it as a narrow knife edge quality that the control could falter at any time. Still think The Force Awakens is better for a lot of other reasons than the raptors though. 


Member2KJun-26-2016 12:18 PM

Correction!The Raptors were only antagonists in the first Jurassic Park movie. They were demoted to extras in the second movies and they weren't actually antagonists in the third movie, that belong to spinosaurus, they just wanted their eggs back.


The Force Awakens was crap and this is coming from a Star Wars fan. Name some things that counter my arguments/gripes on the Force Awakens.


MemberInitiateJun-26-2016 1:36 PM

I would still consider them antagonists in the second movie, maybe not the main antagonist of that movie alone but since they come in at a later part and Buck is depicted as just wanting their kid while the raptors come in just to kill people and do nothing redeemable throughout their scenes to bring them any other status. The third movie is a little less clear, but while they were looking for their eggs is was using their own shouts that confused them and made them leave after getting them, rather than changing from this role. True the Spinosaur was the main antagonist of that movie, but I wouldn't call the Raptors neutral either.


If you want me to counter your arguments fine, but you make a lot that address different things so I'll have address each to counter them 


The Force Awaken was a fanservice movie with a Mary Sue lead character and ripped the back bone of its plot from A New Hope.

-I wouldn't necessarily call it just a fanservice movie although there is a little more than I liked, but rather than just new hope does the movie not follow the barebone ideas behind every Star Wars prequel beginning. Both Phantom Menace New Hope and now Force Awakens all share similar elements, so one must ask if this is ripping off episode 4, or going the way of the star wars tradition with the first movies having a lot of similarities. Admittedly the movie does seem pretty self aware it was a Star Wars movie though.

Some things didn't freaking add up in The Force Awakens like since when did Force Wielders read minds, in the original movies (+ prequels) it was search your feelings never "I steal infomation out of your head", not even Darth Vader had those powers and he was the force incarnate.

-Well Vader is a Sith which have pretty defined powers. He also is someone who is completely hindered by the fact that he has no organic limbs and can't survive out of his suit seriously hindering his growth, and peak powers, hence why he never uses things like force lightning. Kylo isn't a Sith, so who knows what type of things Snokes order has that they keep to themselves. The nightsisters were a separate faction of darkside users in the cannon tv show The Clone Wars and they do a lot of things that no Sith shows aptitude in. As a sidenote this is shown to be something he couldn't use on force weilders as it also opens up his mind to them if they can resist making the power not that great overall.

Storm Trooper suddenly growing a conscience despite being raised from birth and condition to follow orders and then having no problem murdering his former Storm Trooper brethren.

- I pretty much agree with this statement. It is said this is his first mission, so the idea of him not wanting to fight is fine with me, but the willingness to kill the other stormtroopers literally minutes later with no actual time to come to terms with his new role is pretty bad.

The New Death Star having the same weakness as the old death star. 

-Wouldn't necessarily say this. Star Killer base required charges to be dropped while on the base to open up the opportunity to get any real damage done. I don't think the base should have been taken down storywise, but don't really have a problem with the way it is.

The Republic hasn't freaking did anything to prevent the First order from forming, the resistance sounds like a poor attempt to copy the Rebel Alliance without being the rebel alliance. There should of been the New Republic Fleet by now.

-Gonna break this into two parts since you address 2 things the lack of stopping the first order, and the republic fleet.

1. I think it's pretty clear through their use of terms and looks the First Order is the remnants of the old Empire. Essentially it ironically traded place with the rebellion in its location taking the place the Separatists did in Clone Wars. Let's look at all of them. The old Republic was challenged by the Separatist forces that originated mainly through big business in the outer rim. The old Republic was made up and referred to as the core worlds. Once it became the Empire it was the Rebellion who used mostly the outer rim to mask their attacks, as every big base from the rebellion is noted to be in the outer rim. After the Empires initial fall the remnants gave up the core worlds and instead went into hiding in the outer rim, consistently getting weaker and losing control over however many years until a new leader, like Snoke came along to lead it. We've seen that dark side users are pretty good at assembling armies. There's also the fact the New Republic had to set up a new government and way of doing things correctly which takes time especially on a galactic scale Star Wars is on.

2. This largely has to do with the whole message of how far do you go before you become what you fought. The last time the Republic got a unified military and went to war it eventually became the Empire, a military dictatorship. From this perspective had the New Republic gotten and army would they not have looked just like the armed empire that they just brought down to everyone that wasn't openly a part of them? This is why the Resistance exists, it acts as a small unofficial army of the Republic you could say, but suffers from that fact the same. 

Calling a Strafe a Bombing run, when you use your aircraft/spacecraft's guns you call it a strafe not a bombing run. Bombing runs is when you actually use bombs or its sci-fi equivalents.

-Eh just terms. They also refer to them as a fleet when they looked more like a squadron to me, but didn't really bother me that much.

Millennium Falcon was able to by pass shields generator's shield via warp which in the original movies would of crushed the Millennium Falcon.

-Is that ever explicitly stated in the original movies? They just didn't do it because it is extremely risky and needs one hell of a pilot in my eyes.

Rey by passing the ship's system by tearing out wires, that is not by passing thats pulling out wires.

-Not too different than what Han and Chewy used to do in the original movie. Star Wars has always been to me Fantasy masquerading as sci fi. The technology itself and how in works in never really addressed in depth, or a big part of the movies, so this didn't really bother me.

Kylo Ren surviving a lightsaber cut to the face, the way Rey cut his face looked like it cut in deep.

-I mean the guy did take a shot from Chewy's bowcaster that was not only killing people but launching them backwards several feet and them go and chase 2 people down and fight them. I didn't really think anything of this in terms of depth of the shot, it was moreso to actually give him a reason to wear a mask in future episodes.

Fynn surviving a lightsaber gash to the spine, seriously it seems the lightsabers lost its cutting potency.

-Well he is in critical care and still unconscious at the end of the movie.

Kylo Ren telling an insubordinate pilot to bow only to drop to his level as an equal to talk to said resistance pilot, super ineffective villian.

-This wasn't really something that mattered to me either, at least in terms of making Kylo an ineffective villain

How the republic was literally next door to Star Killer's base was absolutely asinine. 

It wasn't

The dialogue was terrible, "The Heroes of the republic I thought they were a myth!" its only been 30 years and the republic before getting destroyed by *cough* Death Star III *cough* Starkiller base. That would be like saying "I thought President Bill Clinton was a myth" despite not been in office for roughly 20 years.

-I'm trying to remember the exact context of the term heros of the Republic. Does she say this when she mentions Han, and Luke, or the Jedi in general.


I Meme Everything

Member2KJul-09-2016 4:43 PM

Xenotaris, check here

I Meme Everything

Member2KNov-02-2017 4:31 AM

Also, "Jurassic World" can eat sh!t.

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