Star Wars VIII rumor suggests Episode 8 will explain the slaughter of Luke's Jedi Academy!
Scified2016-10-02 11:48:11
Written by Chris6,729 Reads5 Comments2016-10-02 11:48:11

A new Star Wars Episode VIII rumor has surfaced online recently and potentially explains a very important scene from the upcoming sequel to The Force Awakens. For obvious reasons, the following content could very well be accurate and so, we urge readers to proceed with caution, as what we're about to share may contain some heavy spoilers.

According to, Episode 8 will feature a continuation of Rey's Force vision, which we witnessed parts of, in The Force Awakens. Apparently the vision itself will shed light on the events which led to the slaughter of Luke's Jedi Academy. According to their sources, the scene preceding the cut-scenes of (who we assume to be) Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 will be shown in full, as well as the events which follow immediately afterwards. Their sources claim the scene seems more like a flashback scene, rather than a vision of the future.

As we have heard the rumor, a sequence appears to involve Rey, Luke Skywalker, Artoo, Kylo Ren and dead bodies of youthful characters. An inactive adult Rey at the scene makes us think this is probably a continuation of the flashback sequence Rey began on Takodana. Rey appears to be a bystander, making us think this is her vision of the past seen from her perspective.

We also learned that the portion of Rey's vision which included Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren are not linked to the scene depicting Luke resting his hand on Artoo. In fact, the dark and rainy scene witnessed in The Force Awakens, involved the slaughter of another, unknown clan by the Knights of Ren and that the dead bodies shown in that flashback were not those belonging to Luke's younglings.

However apparently, a number of young actors were hired to portray dead children, as part of Rey's expanded vision. These of course will be to represent Luke's fallen students.

Of course, as with any rumor, fans are urged to take the information shared here with a grain of salt. However, as new information surrounding this scene and many others within Episode VIII, we will be sure to keep you updated!

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MemberInitiateOct-02-2016 12:08 PM

They kind of have to elaborate to some extent. Wouldn't be surprised if this is actually true, or at least drop more pieces to then finish in Ep 9.


AdminAtmanOct-02-2016 12:16 PM

That's what I'm thinking as well. They'll release more rid bits in Episode 8 and tie it all together in Episode 9. This rumor seems to be one of the more believable ones for sure.

I Meme Everything

Member2KOct-02-2016 12:46 PM

I watched a video from Dash Star that said Kylo Ren obtained Luke's green lightsaber


MemberInitiateOct-02-2016 8:41 PM



MemberNoobOct-04-2016 11:56 PM

Better not be a re-run of the massacre by Anakin in Epp 2 or 3.... Cant remember which. Sith walks in and kills kids, no one stands in his way......

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