Gotham is a new and upcoming TV series based upon characters from DC's Batman, originally created by Bob Kane, which is due to air on US network FOX this fall (autumn) with an ordered run of 16 episodes. The series has been developed by FOX and Warner Bros, and created by Bruno Heller, whom will also act as the show's Executive producer with Danny Cannon.
The Premise
The shows pilot episode, directed by Cannon, will introduce us to a young Detective James Gordon as he joins the Gotham City Police Department, and along with his new partner Detective Harvey Bullock investigates the double murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne. In the pilot episode viewers will be introduced to the Waynes orphaned son Bruce and the family's butler, and master Waynes new guardian Alfred Pennyworth.
Throught the planned 16 episodes of the first season the shows developers will introduce us to many characters both familiar and new, including the likes of Barbara Kean, Harvey Dent, Edward Nygma, Oswald Cobblepot, Selina Kyle, Ivy Pepper, and Jonathan Crane, along with new character Fish Mooney - a sadistic crime boss night club owner, whom will act as the first seasons primary antagonist.
The Cast
Gotham has amassed an impressive cast from the world of TV and movies to help bring Gotham to life on the small screen. Pictured from left to right that cast are...
- Ben McKenzie as Detective James Gordon, the shows lead and future comissioner of Gotham City.
- Erin Richards as Barbara Kean, Emergency Doctor and Gordons future wife.
- Donal Logue as Detective Harvey Bullock, Gordons less savoury partner.
- Zabryna Guevara as Captain Sarah Essen, Gordon and Bullocks superior officer.
- Sean Pertwee as Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Waynes guardian and butler.
- Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot, polite, intelligent and dangerous gangster, and the future Penguin.
- Jada Pinkett Smith as Fish Mooney, The first seasons primary antagonistic crime boss.
- Drew Powell as Butch Gilzean, Mooney's second in command.
- Cory Michael Smith as Edward Nygma, a forensic scientists with a penance for cryptology, and the future Riddler.
- David Mazouz as Bruce Wayne, the orphaned son of Martha and Thomas Wayne, and the future Batman.
- Carmen Bicondova as Selina Kyle, an orphaned theif and pickpocket, and the future Catwoman.
Other cast mambers include Victoria Cartagena as Detective Renee Montoya, Andrew Stewart Jones as Detective Crispus Allen, Clare Foley as Ivy Pepper and Sara Paxton (pictured above far right, second row), in an undisclosed role. There is no mention as of yet whom will play Harvey Dent AKA Two Face, Jonathan Crane AKA the Scarecrow or the unfortunate soul (Jack Napier?) whom will become the Joker.
The Future
Gotham holds great potential. With a wealth of characters and stories to draw uppon this is a series in which we could truly see how Batman begins, much more so than the movie of the same name. We could see the rise of the Falcone family, and the rise of Roman Sionis AKA Black Mask. We could see Bruce being "drafted" into the League of Assassins by Ra's al Ghul, and the start of Bruces' relationship between Ra's daughter Talia.
Furthermore, the series is unrelated to either Christopher Nolans' Dark Knight or the forthcoming "Batfleck" Batman. Yet, DC are currently enjoying great success on the small screen, with Smallville having completed its record breaking 10 seasons, Arrow having been commissioned for a third season and the Flash having also been granted a premiere season. The potential for crossover elements and stories with the other TV series' and the creation of a truly "HUGE" DC TV universe is tantalising, especially when considering that the aforementioned League of Assassins have already been mentioned in Arrow.
Lets hope that Gotham doesn't fall foul of the recent trend of TV shows being cancelled before their time, as has happened with Firefly, Fringe and more recently Almost Human. Lets hope Bruno Heller and Danny Cannon can live up to the great potential this shows premise promises.