Jack The Ripper Indentified?

Scified2014-09-08 03:25:09https://www.scified.com/sites_pics/5217680402852354.png
Written by Gavin4,457 Reads3 Comments2014-09-08 03:25:09

Tomorrow will see the release of a new book entitled "Naming Jack the Ripper", in which its author, business man Russell Edwards claims to have identified the notorious, infamous and mysterious serial killer believed to be responsible for at least five horrendous murders in the latter half of 1888 in Whitechapel, London.

Jack the Ripper is often depicted as a slender gentleman in a tall hat, long cloak and cane .

The author claims Polish hairdresser Aaron Kosminski to be the uncaught murderer after DNA extracted from a shawl identified that both the fourth victim Catherine Eddowes, whose body was discovered in Mitre Square at 1:45 am 30th September 1888, and suspect Aaron Kosminski had come into contact with the shawl. Eddowes DNA was taken from a blood stain found on the shawl, whereas Kosminski's DNA was gathered from a semen stain.

Unfortunately, as intriguing as this DNA evidence is, Ripperologists both amateur and professional agree that the evidence far from proves beyond reasonable doubt that Kosminski, whom died in 1919 of Gangrene in Leavesden Mental Hospital after being admitted for suffering from Schizophrenia, is responsible for the murders. The DNA does suggest a link between the two individuals, but the mitochondrial DNA belonging to Kosminski could have been "deposited" during a mutual exchange, as Eddowes along with the other four victims was a known prostitute.

Jack the Rippers preffered weapon of choice, which was used to methodically mutilate at least five victims.

Interestingly Kosminski was also named as a suspect by Chief Inspector Donald Swanson. However, Swanson was on holiday during the time of the first few murders and his claims were refuted by Edmund Reid, the Detective Inspector whom actually investigated the Whitechapel murders. Additionially, there is no surviving police records from the investigation that bare mention of Kosminski.

Furthermore, many Ripperologists call into question author Edwards claim that the shawl from which the DNA evidence was found was found at the scene of Eddowes murder. Events and details of the early morning of 30th September 1888 were well recorded, with a detailed list of Eddowes possessions listed, of which does not include a shawl of any kind, and additionially in these well documented police reports there is no mention of a Acting Sergeant Amos Simpson at the scene of Eddowes murder, whom Edwards claims took, with permission, the shawl home to his wife.

The Whtechapel Murders have been adapted into books, comics, movies, musicals and even videogames!

While Aaron Kosminski is a more probable suspect than those put forward in movies such as Murder by Decree and From Hell (pictured above), whom claimed Sir William Gull, physician to the Royal family, to be the suspect in line with an eloborate and contrived conspiracy, the evidence gathered and put forward in Edwards forthcoming book only adds to the plethora of evidence. For now, Jack the Ripper remains unmasked!


Naming Jack the Ripper, written by Russell Edwards and pubished by Sidgwick & Jackson will be available September 9th, priced £16.99. For more info on Edwards book visit the Daily Mail.

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Admin2KSep-08-2014 6:29 AM

Interesting news. 

Sci-Fi King25

Member2KSep-08-2014 3:27 PM

This is intersting.

Necronom 4

MemberRespectedMar-05-2015 8:54 AM

Wow! i can't believe there is a site dedicated to J t R! What a great site Scified as become!

Personally, i've believed that Aaron Kosminski was responsible for the 5 canonical whitechaple murders ever since i watched a do***entary in the 80's about J t R, presented by Peter Hustonov and featured real life FBI profilers (whome worked on the Zodiac Killer case,) who finally came to the conclussion that out of the suspects listed, Kosminski was the most likely candidate.

Not only did C I Donald Swanson make a note in his memoirs that he thought the killer was Kosminski, but, an eye witness on the night that Liz Stride and Cathrine Eddowes met their fate at the hands of Jack, pointed him out when he was arrested by the MET some years after the murders had stopped.

I will defo be checking this book out!

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