How big will Darth Vader's role be in Star Wars: Rogue One?
Scified2016-04-14 20:14:19
Written by GG6,064 Reads10 Comments2016-04-14 20:14:19

As far as we know, Darth Vader will indeed be in Star Wars: Rogue One. Very credible Star Wars websites such as Making Star Wars have reported that not only will Vader be appearing in the film, but will have a major role. The voice of Vader from the OT (Original Trilogy) and ROTS (Revenge of the Sith) James Earl Jones will be returning to voice the Dark Lord of the Sith, reported Making Star Wars.

So, now that we have knowledge that Vader will be in the film, to what degree will he be? Is what I'm asking. Will he appear as the main antagonist, an antagonist? Or just a brief cameo. More reports suggest he will be featured as the a definite antagonist, if not the main one.

Reports suggested that leaked story screens of Rogue One features Vader decimated entire Rebel battalions. With report suggesting he will throw his lightsaber, and purely destroy rebels unlike shown in the films thus-far.

In the Star Wars: Rogue One teaser trailer, we were shown a robed figure walking into a room that was watched by the Royal Guards of Emperor Palpatine. The figure was also shown kneeling before a Bacta-tank, a tank used for regeneration in the Star Wars Universe.

Now personally, I do not believe this figure is Vader. Darth Vader has never been shown to wear a hood over his suit, most likely this figure is either a high-ranking official in the Empire kneeling before Vader himself.

Overall, I am not certain of what role Lord Vader will have in this film, but as far as we know he will be in it. What do you guys believe his role will be? I would love to hear your feedback in the comments below, thank you.

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AdminAtmanApr-14-2016 9:48 PM

Great post thanks for posting this GG! It's exciting to know Vader will be seen in a new Star Wars movie as he was in the original trilogy. I'm personally very excited for this. How big will his role be? I'm willing to bet 1/4 of the film will involve him. After all the film is about infiltrating the Death Star. 

Who the cloaked figure kneeling is though, I still have no idea. But it definitely isn't Vader.


MemberInitiateApr-15-2016 7:04 AM

Well due to the explanation, and the start of A New Hope, we see Leia now in possession of the plans getting chased down by Vader. Since Leia isn't seen on the team going, that leads me to believe Vader wil pretty much be a final boss that comes in at the end kills all the spies, but in a last ditch effort they send the plans to Leia, before all getting killed themselves. 


Just my guess based off where we know this is going and the fact none of the agents that we know of are seen in the original trilogy.


Member2KApr-15-2016 8:25 AM

Chris Picard- No problem! I agree that it isn't Vader.

Durp004- It would be amazing if that were to happen, I hope it does.

I Meme Everything

Member2KApr-16-2016 7:45 AM

he's been confirmed to be a major antagonist


Member2KApr-16-2016 10:46 AM

I just want to see a live-action Vader go on a rampage, it would be, amazing.

Lord Vader

MemberLegendApr-25-2016 6:58 PM

That would be pretty damn awesome to see. 


MemberMartianApr-26-2016 12:28 AM

Its interesting as Vader will have the most Fighting Scenes and Force using Scenes than we have ever seen before (not inc Anakin Scenes)

I would however assume he does not play a massive role.... i think he would appear more than the Emperor Palpatine did in Star Wars EP 4-6 but maybe not as much as Kylo Ren does in EP8

Maybe he plays as much as a role as say Darth Tyranus from Attack of the Clones?


MemberInitiateApr-26-2016 3:31 AM

I think Vader will play the role Dooku was supposed to do in Attack of the Clones. Since Vader has more name and face recognition it will be easier to pick up on the small mentions and offhand remarks that point to his eventual appearance. Then he finally does come in except there's no Yoda to save the heroes.


Supposedly at a panel for this movie Gareth said he wants to show how the galaxy is without its saviors(the jedi), so I don't really expect the happiest of endings in this movie. More like the prelude to an eventual win that comes in New Hope, similar to Episode 3 ending with the twins being born and hidden.


MemberNoobApr-26-2016 7:05 AM

Perhaps they snagged the idea of Starkiller from the Force Unleashed games.


Member2KApr-26-2016 12:01 PM

Hopefully the next trailer for the film features some scene of Vader.

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