I Meme Everything
Member2KMar-25-2017 2:04 PM"The ultimate problem with the DCEU is ultimately accessibility. Marvel Studios line-up of superheroes and supervillains are more relatable to most general audiences, whereas DC's gallery of heroes and villains outside their premier characters (Batman, Superman, and the Flash) are a little too fantastic."
That, is why the MCU is infinitely better than the DCEU

MemberInitiateMar-25-2017 4:53 PMI feel like this isn't focusing on the right things. The fact is that Marvel's characters aren't any more relateable to audiences. DC has proven to be just as successful as marvel perhaps even moreso in almost every category but movies, and that's only in recent years.
Most of marvel's big names now were nothing 10 years ago. Who really knew about Iron man, or cared about Captain America? Not many people. Then Marvel made great movies about these characters and people realized they had promise. DC just has a horrible crew working on their live action movies and the fact they started so late and are rushing to try to catch up isn't helping.
If anyone thinks DC is bad, or that the lesser Justice League characters aren't good, go watch the DC animated movies which I have been assured by multiple people fans and not are great, not to mention the multiple cartoons that these characters are in. These characters aren't the problem, it's the people writing the stories that are being used that is the problem.

I Meme Everything
Member2KMar-25-2017 5:07 PMMarvel bias aside, this trailer looks really good and I might give it a chance even after the atrocity that was Batman v. Superman

MemberInitiateMar-25-2017 5:12 PMDon't get me wrong I don't think this movie will be good.
I was just addressing the fact that DC does have good characters and they are fun to follow unfortunately that isn't really apparent in this series. The animated DC movies are where the real characters are, the live action movie is just them rushing to catch Marvel while also claiming they aren't trying to catch Marvel, because I mean pushing forming the justice league, Batman vs Superman, and Superman Doomsday into 1 movie wasn't obviously a rush to not only catch Marvel, but also ruin all future Superman movies.

MemberContributorMar-25-2017 5:22 PMI'm really not sure about this movie. I despised BvS, and thought that Suicide Squad was meh. But I'll give this and Wonder Woman a chance. I really hope both films are good.

MemberInitiateMar-25-2017 6:12 PMEh, wasn't ever much of a Superman fan
TBH I'm not either, but after the character dies and comes back it doesn't really seem like there's anything at stake for him after that. Like what else could they do with him if he's ever solo again? He already died and came back there's no stake for the character, and killing him 2 movies in(the second movie he had to share with probably the most popular superhero of all time) didn't really give the audience a chance to connect with him. If that was the final movie after say 3 movies his death would have hit home more for me at least.

MemberContributorMar-25-2017 6:34 PMThey really should have saved Doomsday and the death of Superman for a later movie.

MemberLegendMar-25-2017 10:00 PMin regards to relateability; how many of us can relate to Bruce Wayne (a super rich orphan), or Clark Kent (an alien orphan that can fly) or Oliver Queen (a super rich robin hood) or Barry Allen (fastest thing ever). Yet on the Marvel side, we have a poor orphan, a struggling lawyer, a whole school of teenagers with identity issues, and a guy with anger issues. Marvel's characters are more grounded in reality when it comes to their core personalities and identities. Yes, Batman and Superman are more popular and older characters, but their iconicity comes from their exclusivity.
The worse part of BvS was the "Martha" scene, which ironically I feel could have been turned around by one simple amendment - If Batman had used the spear and killed Superman.
Imagine, Lois Lane arrives just a second too late, and because of Batman's actions, Martha Kent is killed by Lex Luthor. With Doomsday left for a later movie and using Willem Dafoe as the true Joker who escapes Arkham Asylum and murders a pregnant Lois Lane. Upon Supermans resurrection he is going to hate Batman, probably kill Joker and Lex and become the threat Batman feared he would. That's the DCEU I wanna see.

MemberInitiateMar-26-2017 1:57 PM how many of us can relate to Bruce Wayne (a super rich orphan), or Clark Kent (an alien orphan that can fly) or Oliver Queen (a super rich robin hood) or Barry Allen (fastest thing ever). Yet on the Marvel side, we have a poor orphan, a struggling lawyer, a whole school of teenagers with identity issues, and a guy with anger issues. Marvel's characters are more grounded in reality when it comes to their core personalities and identities.
Are they though? For me being able to relate doesn't come from their situation as they're all pretty far from reality in that respect. I may not be able to relate to the fact Superman is an alien from space, but he is raised in the midwest US by simple parents in a small town, and does his best to help his new home. It's not the situation that you relate to it's how the character deals with the situation. On both sides the characters do what most people would either want to do.
The problem comes back to it's easier to relate to the movie side of marvel(the biggest medium for most audiences) because the characters are done well in their movies whereas the DC characters aren't. But that's more to do with how each studio is dealing with them than what the characters themselves offer.