Chris Pratt officially denies playing Indiana Jones
Scified2015-05-24 23:09:27
Written by Matt2,459 Reads1 Comments2015-05-24 23:09:27

These past few weeks have been rife with news and rumors about Indiana Jones, ranging from the announcement of a fifth movie, to the Indiana Jones themed bar recently announced. However, Chris Pratt has now gone on the record twice in one week to deny that he has been offered the role of Indiana Jones or will be playing the character. For your convenience readers, we have decided to compile these into one article so that you may decide the truth of his words. 

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First, Pratt denied the rumors in a GQ article:

"...there is the widely and confidently reported story that he will be the next Indiana Jones. Pratt was on a four-day hunt on a Texas ranch when his manager and agent called to say that this "fact" had exploded all over the Internet. "And so I came home, and then there was paparazzi asking me about it and people asking me to sign Indiana Jones pictures and Indiana Jones hats," he says. The truth, as far as he is concerned, is that someone high up at Disney did mention to him a while back that they were picking up the rights to Indiana Jones, to which Pratt commented that his action-adventure card was fairly full. (If Jurassic World does well, there will be sequels."

So to pick this quote apart, Chris Pratt claims to have had no prior knowledge of the casting rumors. However, it is common knowledge that an actor must sign non-disclosure agreements about any and all casting before it is finalized or the studio is willing to announce. That said, it would be odd for him to be lying about it and then admit that a studio exec brought up the part to him. So he may be telling the truth, and I am inclined to believe what he says regarding it. He may be satisfied in his long-term commitments to marvel and Jurassic World as these franchises continue as wel

There may be another reason Chris Pratt passed on the role, as he revealed to Entertainment Weekly Magazine. 

"Now, Jurassic World looks to open huge on June 12. And there have been rumors that Steven Spielberg, an exec producer on World, wants Pratt to star in an Indiana Jones reboot. For EW’s cover story this week, Pratt couldn’t confirm or deny the conversations but was definitely apprehensive about taking on such an iconic role. “You have to look at it and be like, ‘Is this right for me?’” says Pratt. “Is it right for me to do this? And is it perfect? You don’t want to be the guy who f—s that up.” He does say that it’s kinda cool to even be included in rumors like that. He admits, “It’s pretty crazy that people hear that and they don’t go ‘What?!? That f—ing dude!’ What has happened in my life that you can see THAT?!”

Given that Chris Pratt has said in the past he would not take the project unless the script is perfect, I am inclined to believe him here. He does profess a strong desire not to mess the franchise up either, and acknoledges the films strong fanbase. He does sound genuinely surprised to be considered in the rumors, and so all of this added up is very convincing. Of course the job of every actor is to convince us, but this is sounding genuine.

What do you think? Let us know!

Sources: Entertainment WeeklyGQ

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indiana jones

MemberNoobMay-25-2015 9:51 AM

oh boy, im not sure how to comment on this without breaking the fourth wall...

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