Doctor Strange will be the final comic book movie of 2016, being released worldwide on November 4th, and will mark the second instalment in Phase 3 of Marvel Studios record breaking and much emulated cinematic universe. Directed by Scott Derrickson, the movie will introduce modern audiences to Doctor Stephen Strange, portrayed by Sherlock and Star Trek Into Darkness star, British actor Benedict Cumberbatch, an egotistical and world reknowned surgeon whom loses the dexterity needed in his hands to continue his profession after a horrific car accident.
Seeking to regain use of his hands Strange travels far and wide before finding the Ancient One, portrayed by fellow British actress Tilda Swinton, whom will teach Strange the ways of the ancient mystical arts. The movie will also star the award winning actors Chiwitel Ejiofor and Mads Mikkelson.
The latter of which has been announced to be Stranges primary antagonst in the forthcoming movie by Marvel Studios Presiedent Kevin Feige...
"Mads' character is a sorcerer who breaks off into his own sect. [He] believes that the Ancient One is just protecting her own power base and that the world may be better off if we were to allow some of these other things through [to his dimension]."
"We will take audiences through sort of a guide to the multiverse, other dimensions, and there are amazing things out there -- wonders that are going to be hopefully visually extremely interesting and unique to this movie. But there are also very scary things in these other dimensions."
As well as the above concept art showing Doctor Stephen Strange after he discovers the extent of the damage to his hands EW also recently gave us our first glimpse of the Sanctum Sanctorum, Stephen Strange's three-story townhouse at 177A Bleecker Street in New York's Greenwich Village.
Also included is the following, more abstract image which may suggest the movie will feature some kaliedoscopic visuals to symbolize Stranges acquisition of his legendary mystical powers.
Speaking about the role, which was heavily speculated upon before he accepted, Cumberbatch revealed...
"I’ve got to keep throwing these poses, these spells, these rune-casting things, everything hedoes physically. I’m thinking, there’s going to be a huge amount of speculation and intrigue over the positioning of that finger as opposed to it being there, or there, I felt really self-conscious. But, then, by the end, it was great. It's like anything, you just have to experiment."
"There’s going to be crazy s— going on,"
About the Doctor Strange movie

Doctor Strange November 4th, 2016
Marvel’s Doctor Strange follows the story of the talented neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who, after a tragic car accident, must put ego aside and learn the secrets of a hidden world of mysticism and alternate dimensions. Based in New York City’s Greenwich Village, Doctor Strange must act as an intermediary between the real world and what lies beyond, utilizing a vast array of metaphysical abilities and artifacts to protect the Marvel cinematic universe.
Directed by Scott Derrickson, Doctor Strange's release date is November 4th, 2016.
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