Review Star Wars: The Force Awakens film review by creaturefeature74

Written By creaturefeature74 on 2017-11-03 12:53:53
While it's better than the prequels, there really isn't much I can say that I liked too much about it
Sure it's well acted and has great effects, but this movie adds nothing we haven't seen before. Oh boy the rebels (oh wait I mean resistance) are fighting the empire (sorry, I meant First Order) that some how made a Death Star that is more than 10 times bigger than the original and kept it hidden despite the fact that the faction opposing them is in power and they only have the fraction of the manpower and resources.
And the movie is just A New Hope again, my favorite picture regarding this movie is the one where it's just an A New Hope plot summary with some words being replaced and it fits this movie perfectly. It was so frustrating to avoid spoilers to get the most predictable movie ever afterwords
And then there is Rey, I know the term mary sue is overused but it fits her perfectly.
Suffice to say, the only reason I am seeing The Last Jedi is for Luke, if they kill him off or make him a loser like they did Han I will skip episode 9