Review Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi film review by Sci-Fi King25

Written By Sci-Fi King25 on 2014-07-23 18:02:03
I enjoyed Return of the Jedi. In fact, it's my favorite Star Wars movie! Especially the beginning with Jabba's Palace. Even more specifically, the Rancor. It was a very interesting alien, and my favorite Star Wars alien. Then, there's the Sail Barge scene, which was AMAZING. It was very action-packed and fast-paced, and it was fun watching Jabba die.
Moving on, I didn't really like the idea of reusing the Death Star. Why not another superweapon? It was still pretty cool. Also, there was he Stormtroopers being slaughtered by teddy bear aliens, known as the Ewoks. It was fun to watch, and then there's the end.
The end was one of the best parts! It had Luke Skywalker facing Darth Vader, and then Darth Vader betrayed Emperor Palpitine and throws him into a pit. However, Darth Vader was killed by the Emperor's Force Lightning, and after his mask is removed, he dies. Nonetheless, this film was great!