Review Signs film review by JRR
Written By JRR on 2014-07-11 16:47:28
Signs is a great movie and is worth watching due to the aproash it has to the scenario of an alien ivacion, in many scifi movies the alien's have an exagerated technology and lassers and other futurtstic weapons, but in signs, the story instead of foucosing in the Aliens foucuses in a small familly living on a farm, when sudenly in ther corn field mysterious circles form, an event that starts to happen all over the world, one of the main moral in the movie is that coincidences don't exist that everything happens for a reason, the alliens as oposed to beeing a smart and advance race, are handled in a very anymalistic whay they do not use cloths or suits, and speek in a grunts simmilar to african tribes, they also don't have any weapon's they use poison gas that comes out of an organ in ther hand.
all in all this is a great movie, not only for scifi fans but also for any person