Review The Return of Godzilla film review by Daikaiju Danielle

Written By Daikaiju Danielle on 2015-02-22 17:08:51
Godzilla 1984 is probably one of the most popular godzilla films out there. It ended the hero Godzilla, and began a scary and antagonistic one. It's revered for it's dark tone, serious plot, and spectacular special effects. However, despite it love within the Gfandom, I remain neutral to this movie.
Let's talk about the story first; it's a really well-handled and serious plot. There are are many intense moments and the inclusion of the American and Russian conflict was great. the characters, in my opinion, where fairly bland and not very memorable (except that guy who was just chilling out during Godzilla's rampage. He was hilarious). During the first half, Japan was dealing with the return of Godzilla, and wether or not to nuke him. There was a lot of tension and fear within this part of the movie. Until Godzilla shows up. The later half drags on and on and is just so boring. Also the new weapon, Super X, is pretty lame. But, the ending is pretty sad when you see Godzilla's silhouette as he's inside the volcano.
The special effects are pretty decent. Nothing spectacular, but also not terrible. A popular effect in this film is the giant puppet of Godzilla's head. complete with flaring lips and blinking eyes. It looks amazing, however it's very obvious in the movie that it's a puppet. But it's still really cool.
Speaking of which, I'll talk about Godzilla in this. Godzilla's personality in this is very animalistic and merciless; a polar opposite of the 1975 Godzilla. Although personalot-wise he's very scary, his appearance is quite laughable. Complete with derpy-eyes, buck teeth, and a VERY short stature, this Godzilla looks very goofy when inside such a grim movie.
Overall, this is an okay movie in my opinion. Not the best and not the worst.