Review Alien: Covenant film review by Rick D

Written By Rick D on 2017-10-19 21:56:46
Another solid entry to the Alien franchise. This film combines horror, science fiction, action, adventure, and mystery all into one. Easily my favorite film of 2017. There are some problems with the film. The most notable being the lack of compelling characters. The main character, Daniels, is rather dull. The rest of the characters are quite forgettable when compared to some Alien movies. The only characters that really stuck out were David and Tennessee. David was definitely my favorite character in Prometheus but he continues his greatness in this film. Tennessee, played by Danny McBride, is so much fun. He's one of the biggest highlights in the film and I'm so glad he made it until the end of the film even though he's probably going to become David's experiment. There were some problems with the pacing and a few CGI errors but there were far more positives in this film. The soundtrack, borrowing a lot from 1979 Alien, is one of the best in the franchise. Don't forget the visuals. They were phenomenal and I especially enjoyed the space walk where Tennessee repaired the Covenant.