Review Mothra vs. Godzilla film review by Rhobzilla

Written By Rhobzilla on 2015-06-28 13:19:28
Ahah. This was the first Godzilla I've ever seen in the movies. Of course, it was under the title of Godzilla vs The thing (kind of a rip off, thanks US distributor), but in it, Godzilla is still hsi nasty destroying self, although his face is starting to take on the more comical aspects of the creature. Turns out a hurricane brings an egg ashore and Godzilla comes to destroy it. Fortunately it hatches two baby Mothra's who help their mom/dad? Defeat Godzilla. I'd really like to know what happened to the one baby Mothra, since we never see it again. Did it become Battra of the later movies? We'll never know. This is still a favorite Godzilla and is always enjoyable to see.