Review Godzilla film review by MonsterMovieguy

Written By MonsterMovieguy on 2014-05-17 07:54:56 The movie was AWESOMETACULAR! The acting was great, though ATJ was a bit bland and emotionless. But, that's how most soldiers' are, emotionless and bland. Bryan Cranston's acting reputaion was serves him well. The characters including the people the audiance got to see 5-10 seconds of, cared about them. Well, at least I did. Some times I even said "Don't you die on me!" to the screen. Two moments made me have tears in my eyes; the interrogation scene with Cranston and the reunion scene. The fight scene were just "Holy Sh*t!" This movie was better than Pacific Rim. I love the serious tone. Everything was great about the movie except was calling Godzilla "Gojira and Godzilla." It just bothered me. They should've called him something else! It doesn't bring down the movie though.