Review Godzilla film review by Darth HLT

Written By Darth HLT on 2014-05-16 10:37:29
I have already wathed the Movie and for me it was "fantastic, absolutley fantastic" and "Impressive! Most Impressive"
Of Course I have to admitt that Godzillas Screentime was somehow limeted. But I think it was okay, sometimes less is more. And I bet we will get a Sequel (at least I hope it) and there Edwards can... "correct the Fault". (Even if I doesn't count it as a fault, that Godzillas Screentime was not that much).
I found the Acting of the Actors good, sometimes brilliant and the Action Sequence was all well done. And Godzilla proves once more in this Movie why, he is the "King of the Monsters".
In all I would say this Movie was "good", more than that, it was "fantastic" and "Impressive" that's why I give it a full 5 Points.
(One last Thing, I have to mentioned: I thought about giving him: 4.5 because of small... "Things" like, less Screentime for Godzilla, some small mistakes in that or this, but come on its Godzilla. Gojira is back, I have to give him 5 Points otherwise he will wipe me out with his Atomic Breath. [The Last Line was a Joke])
"Live long and Prosper" and "May the Force be with you" and a "Rooooaaaarrrrr...."